umm whats a cherry egger?


8 Years
Sep 27, 2011
Meriden ct
so i got some eggs in the mail today and the breeds were written on them and a few say cherry egger? what on earth is a cherry egger?
My sister got some last year from a hatchery - they are egg-laying machines. Just a mutt, I suppose developed just to lay brown eggs. Who knows how they name these things.
Actually a Cherry Egger is a cross between a Rhode Island Red and a New Hampshire. Some hatcheries just sell them as a Rhode Island Red or Production Reds. the only hatchery I could locate listing them as Cherry Eggers was Cackle. Below is their descriptions and links to their websites.

Here are some links to what the hatcheries describe them:
Production Reds are a brown egg layer that was developed for efficient production of large brown eggs. Crosses utilizing Rhode Island Reds and New Hampshire Reds were used in the development of this breed, which is Ideal's most efficient producer of large brown eggs. Since they have brittle feathers and because their body size is relatively small for the size eggs that they produce, they are more susceptible to cannibalism and are not recommended for high-density wire laying facilities.
Cherry Egger Chickens are a combination of different breeds to produce an egg production chicken which lays big brown eggs and they are good winter layers. They are well known for their laying ability and hardiness.
The Production Red Chicken is very similar to a Rhode Island Red Chicken only lighter in color. They were bred to be a commercial laying chicken. The plumage color can vary from a red-dark red to a light red. They are a vigorous, hearty chicken that lays lots of brown eggs.
This is one of the most famous and all time popular breeds of truly American chickens. Developed in the early part of this century in the state of the same name, they have maintained their reputation as a dual purpose fowl through the years. Outstanding for production qualities, they have led the contests for brown egg layers time after time. No other heavy breed lays more or better eggs than the Rhode Island Reds. Our "production" strain is keeping up the fine reputation of this old favorite. Baby chicks are a rusty red color and the mature birds are a variety of mahogany red.
Basically an orange colored production bred mutt.

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