Dappy Duck

In the Brooder
Jan 31, 2024
Hello, fellow duck keepers; my sweet Tilly, a year-and-a-half-old Saxony hen, has been sick for a while. I've been to two vets for 3 visits, and they cannot reach the root cause. She has lost weight, she went through two molts in the fall and her feathers did not grow back fully, she's pale and dull in coloration compared to her sister. The first vet treated her for egg yolk peritonitis with a course of antibiotics as a precaution. Although she never felt egg-bound, she and the other four in our little flock have not been laying or laying soft eggs. A fecal came back negative for parasites. The second vet added Metacam because she seemed to be straining to lay and constantly tail wiggling. I've given her Epsom salt baths to help relieve that urge to no avail. She's on a healthy diet of pellets, crumble, fresh lettuce, tomatoes, watermelon, bananas and peas. Free ranges during the day, locked up tight at night. Oyster shells are available at all times, although no one eats them. The rest of the flock is robust and healthy. I added Tums to all because of suspected calcium deficiency, advised by the Vet. I give them Rooster Booster with their daily salad, and the Fresh Eggs Daily supplement is mixed into their dry feed.

Two days ago, her bottom appeared wet; upon a closer look, there was white mucus material coming out of her vent; she also stopped eating as of yesterday. She was very cold in the morning, so we made a garage ICU pen; she's still not eating. Right now, I'm suspecting cloaca inflammation or vent gleet. Here's how I'm treating it. Bathing daily to remove any mucus or dirt, adding a probiotic and 250,000 units of nystatin suspension 2 times a day, she's approximately 5 pounds. After cleaning and drying off her vet area I am spraying with Vetrimycian and spreading antifungal cream around her cloca area. She is tender to the touch there but no smell or skin irritation. Nurtradrench is in her water.

I'm sorry for the long post. Can anyone give me some guidance? My concern now is her not eating. I'd go back to the vet but I'm not sure they really know what to do.

Thanks from Tilly and me.

Photos: Tilly in a bath, white discharge (currently clear and more mucous-like, an egg she layed last week.


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I wish someone who has ducks would jump in but they may yet.

She maybe got vent gleet from the antibiotic, but I wouldn't put Vetrimycin back there as that's actually worse for it. The nystatin may work, but otherwise Monistat cream is good too. I just haven't heard of the former. I'd keep up the probiotics for a couple of weeks as it takes a while to get everything back to normal after antibiotics.

To do a quick boost of calcium, you can give her one of yours, 400 mgs. That'll cause contractions so she'd expel anything that may possibly be stuck.

I hope she gets better!!
I wish someone who has ducks would jump in but they may yet.

She maybe got vent gleet from the antibiotic, but I wouldn't put Vetrimycin back there as that's actually worse for it. The nystatin may work, but otherwise Monistat cream is good too. I just haven't heard of the former. I'd keep up the probiotics for a couple of weeks as it takes a while to get everything back to normal after antibiotics.

To do a quick boost of calcium, you can give her one of yours, 400 mgs. That'll cause contractions so she'd expel anything that may possibly be stuck.

I hope she gets better!!
Thank you for your reply. After finding a good avian vet an hour away and getting bloodwork and x-rays, the diagnosis was probable egg drop syndrome. Tilly was humanely euthanized to avoid any further suffering. It was a joy to raise her and love her. We are heartbroken.


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Thank you for your reply. After finding a good avian vet an hour away and getting bloodwork and x-rays, the diagnosis was probable egg drop syndrome. Tilly was humanely euthanized to avoid any further suffering. It was a joy to raise her and love her. We are heartbroken.
I'm sorry for your loss with Tilly, I am certain she was an amazing duck and she loved you just as much as you loved her.

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