Whatever you do CLICK THIS THREADDDDD Baby bird in danger

Mar 6, 2019
hi I need to make this quick I need answers!
For a week iv been watching these baby birds ( crows and past tragedy with birds) and making sure to scare every crow and magpie away
They are almost fledgling now and today while I was away I think the 5 baby bird flew out, but what if it was eaten!
Anyway as I checked around no baby bird so I went back to the nest and there where 4 left)
Normally they will open there beak when ever they see me
And Today they scared and...
One of the baby bird jumped behide the nest which she probably fell or I don’t even know, the BUSH is very tall and narrow
It’s been raining so it’s wet inside and the baby bird feather may get wet
And...then die
I need help and answers nowww
I love wildlife and guilt is in me for accidentally scaring it!
I hope it’s alright
It is best to not interfere. You cannot save them. Only the strongest and smartest will survive to be adults as nature intended. Other critters need to eat too. It is just the way life is. Some will make it and some won't.
You might could put it back in the nest but it will probably be fine
If a baby bird falls out of the nest the patient will feed it until it can fly
Stop messing with them. If you do find it and try to put it back the other birds will jump out. It will fledge early and be taken care of by the parents or get eaten by some animal. Also, most songbird nests are never noticed by crows, Magpies, or Jays. The parents make alarm calls and get freaked out when something gets too close to the nest, this is what really gets the attention of the corvids. If you are close enough for them to open their mouths for you then you are too close. It is best to just leave bird nests alone imo.
Um..actually I know all that...
I’m studying to be an ornithologist soooo I do know to leave them.
Anyway update they all flew away
Actually this is the first time a successful fledgling time
Every time a bird came to our garden they died


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