Why are chicks still all huddled together?


8 Years
Mar 15, 2011
Dryden, MI
I have 19 chicks that are about 4 weeks now. Yesterday we moved them into a much bigger space and had to put another heat lamp on the other side because it is so big. Anyway they are all still piled up on top of each other. Is this normal or is it because they are buddies? I want them to spread out and go to the other light. They are pecking each other some look pretty bad!
Try using a red lamp, it is supposed to reduce pecking.
They may be getting used to their new home and are a little scared, or they could still be to cool.
Mine will huddle when I know they are not cold, so it may also be comfort to them.
Something isn't right here! They should be moving comfortably around the brooder and there shouldn't be pecking. If they are huddled, it is probably too cold. What is the temperature under the light? Where is their feed located? What breeds are they and are they all eating and drinking? I don't know what is going on but this doesn't sound good.
I would think that they are just a little scared with the change in location and they will spread out some as they get more comfortable. If they are pecking too much you may have to make a divider of sorts and make 2 separate groups if you can.

Oops didn't mention that you may want to check the temp on the brooder. it might not be warm enough and they are staying huddled because they are cold. Check that first! Hope that helps.
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N&MSchroeder :

Something isn't right here! They should be moving comfortably around the brooder and there shouldn't be pecking. If they are huddled, it is probably too cold. What is the temperature under the light? Where is their feed located? What breeds are they and are they all eating and drinking? I don't know what is going on but this doesn't sound good.

This is what i would say..... Check the heat first and then... if that doesn't make this stop.... I am not sure
The temp is 85, we do have red lamps. One on each end. We put the food and water in the middle so they have to venture out. It's not cold at all where they are at either. The pecking we were sure was because they were too cramped. When we moved them we figured they would be uneasy and unsure about their freedom. They do move around but mainly stay huddled. We have bantams, red pullets, Americaunas (sp) and 6 straight run so we dont know what they are yet. They are all friendly and happy. I watched them for awhile last night and the little bantams are pecking the bigger ones! This is our first run ever with chickens and want to do everything right!
I think you need to up the temps a bit. Try covering your new space with some type of light weight covering, such as a paper feed bag, a piece of cardboard. Then, adjust your lamp up or down according to how warm it is right beside the lamp, not under it, at ground level. Get your temps back to 95 and hold there for a while. What type of feed do you use? Make sure it is small enough for the bantams to eat, if it is large, crumble it up more in your fingers or wet it with milk, just a bit to dampen. Do a ton of reading on here but you should not have picking or crowding if they are warm and fed at this age. Keep us posted. HenZ
It sounds like you are on the right track.

I would lower at least one of the heat lamps.

You want to see them spread out around the perimeter of the heat, they should have enough room to move away if needed (sounds like they do) but enough warmth that they will spread out.

Generally, if things are just right, the chicks will lay out in a circle around the heat source.

If they are piling, they are probably too cool.

Good luck, and have fun with them.
At 4 weeks, you'll want a temp of 80 degrees as the main temp in your brooder. I'd place a thermometer at each end of the brooder, by the heat lamps, as well as one near the middle near the food and water and one where the chicks seem to be huddling. You may spend a good couple of hours adjusting the heat until it's just right. but what you don't want are two hot spots near the lamps and a cool spot near the food. Can you get a sweeter heater? That will give you a more even heat distribution. If you've given them more space, overcrowding shouldn't be a reason for pecking. I would not break your group in two, especially if they are going to share the same coop eventually.

You might also try putting in a little roost to give them practice perching. That'll break up the huddling, too. We put roosts in at two weeks of age. Sometimes the chicks ignore it and continue sleeping in piles. Sometimes they take right to it,

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