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  • Users: MarlaMac
  • Content: Threads
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  1. MarlaMac

    When to allow breezes on chickens?

    So I know all about no breezes on chickens during the cold. My question is at what temperature will chickens appreciate a breeze while roosting. The main coop has 4 large "windows" 42w x 38h that I can open up to 3 different levels. The first position leaves about 4 inches open at top and is...
  2. MarlaMac

    Breaking Broody

    One of my Black Australorps has gone broody, again. She wants to sit at least two times a year. Her mothering skills are phenomenal. She has had 3 clutches so far. The only issue is the cockerels. It is such a hassle to get ride of them. If she would only hatch females :)lau) I would let...
  3. MarlaMac

    Plastic waterers

    Has anyone has issues with plastic waterers getting funky on them? I have one like the one pictured, but 3 gals. Lately I have had to wash it out more frequently. I used to be able to go 7-10 days before it needed to be cleaned out b/c it begins to smell a little moldy; now I am having to do...
  4. MarlaMac

    A cold and rainy morning...

    ...gave way to a misty 59 degrees in Central Texas today, 3/16/2024. Rooster Cogburn has is ladies out in the mist scratching away at any tasty morsels that may have come up out of the ground. Yesterday a couple lucky ones got a grub or two as I re-leveled an area of my lawn. ❤️
  5. MarlaMac

    Rooster Cogburn watching diligently over his girls.

    Weather today was nice - it has been very windy lately. Today was nice, calm and in the mid 60s. They wasted no time enjoying the day. ❤️
  6. MarlaMac

    Hen with water belly?

    I started this thread, but I don't know where it went, so I apologize if this is duplicated. I have a hen who I believe has water belly. We found this during our monthly chicken checkups. She is definitely squishy in her abdomen area and she is a little red in that area too. She d6-oesn't...
  7. MarlaMac

    LC - life after attack

    This is LC. Her story is on this page: I so appreciate @Wyorp Rock advice as LC was mending. Without it I would have been lost. This is the best, most comprehensive site for chicken owners! Recap - she was...
  8. MarlaMac

    Girls coming out after extreme cold to say hi

    Really, they are just trying to see if I have a treat for them. :lau
  9. MarlaMac

    Switching food - issues to look for

    Good morning and Merry Christmas Eve! I have a slight issue. My flock is currently on chick starter crumbles- 20% from Texas Naturals Feeds. I am running low. I planned a trip to town to buy feed yesterday, but when I got to the AgMart (the only local shop that carries this feed), they had...
  10. MarlaMac

    Rooster Cogburn; getting better

    Recently Rooster finished his first molt. It was an easy molt. He is looking pretty dapper now. He is also growing in maturity and being more of a gentleman in his mating. He will be two years in Feb.
  11. MarlaMac

    Enjoying our evening routine.

    One of my sweet black australorp girls enjoying our nightly ritual. Everyone comes over to the run (they free range all day) to get the last bites and and water before heading to the coop. While those on the higher level pig out at the feeders, I gather a little feed get it wet and make treat...
  12. MarlaMac

    Weird shaped egg

    I am pretty sure this is nothing to worry about, but wanted a confirmation. Weird shaped. Shell is hard. Opened reveals a normal looking one yoke egg (that is cooking oil spray under the egg in the pan). Feed: 20% non mediated chick starter w/ free choice flaked oyster shells Occasional...
  13. MarlaMac

    Large window openings solved!

    Been struggling with this since we built the coop last year. Had plexiglass that could be adjusted which was okay, but way too fragile. Hubby engineered this - now I can completely close off if needed for sideways storms or open up 5 inches at a time to allow for full window in hot Texas...
  14. MarlaMac

    Sick pullet?

    Hello everyone. I have a pullet that is acting off. I don't have a picture as tonight was focused on getting some vitamins into her. My flock (all black Australorps): 1 Rooster 10 hens/pullets ranging in age from 2 yrs to 12 months 4 pullets about 13 weeks old One of the youngest is...
  15. MarlaMac

    First molt

    Been finding lots of feathers in the coop and was wondering which hen was starting to molt. I think I found her this evening. This girl is 15 months and molting for the first time. I was thinking that I wouldn't see this until the fall, but here we are - unless something else is going on.
  16. MarlaMac

    Heat and watermelon

    It is incredibly hot here in central texas. I am giving my chickens a little bit of watermelon every day. The only other thing they get is their 20% chick starter crumble. I know that treats every day is a no-no, but in this extreme heat I think the watermelon is helping them to stay...
  17. MarlaMac

    1st bumble foot in flock

    So, I am dealing with my first case of bumble foot. I went about my monthly check today and other that a few poopy bottoms that needed to be clean, all is okay except one of my hens has bumble foot. I expected this would happen b/c I am allowing them to walk around in water/mud/wet grass when...
  18. MarlaMac

    Funny for the day....

    I have 10 laying hens and average 7-8 eggs a day - even in this brutal Texas summer. Today, I went to collect eggs and turn off fans after all my girls left the lay boxes (as is my daily procedure). Started picking up eggs and counting as I went...7, 9, 12, 16 eggs! My minds starts to...
  19. MarlaMac

    8 weeks old...boy or girl?

    These babies were hatched on 6/1 in what I think is a 50/50 boy/girl ratio. One of these "boys" I am questioning - really hoping it is a fast developing pullet. I know the other 3 are boys, but what do you think about the one circled? The comb/wattles seem a little less pronounced than the...
  20. MarlaMac

    Don't know if I will sleep tonight...

    1st time Chickens are sleeping with the man door open. Hubby built a screen door to help with the hot Texas nights. I know nothing can get in unless something rips the 1/4 inch hardware cloth off - but other areas are covered just like this with no issues. Just something different - for...
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