pale comb

  1. Emrosenagel

    Pinkish/pale comb over past couple weeks

    Hello! I have a blue andulusian (11 months) who has been much paler in the past couple weeks. Now, the temperature and humidity here has spiked recently (central Florida) and this hen has always been sensitive to heat, for whatever reason; strange, since the breed is supposedly heat tolerant...
  2. O

    Concerned for our rescued hen.

    Concerned for my rescued hen. Hey y’all, this here is roadrunner our first rescued hen. we’ve had her about a month and 2ish weeks now, my partner and his coworkers ended up spotting her in a very busy part of our town when heading home for the day. we assume she’s a young hen as she’s smaller...
  3. Emrosenagel

    Mother hen spitting up

    Hello! I have a mother hen (Cochin bantam) with three week old chicks. She acts fine, doing her job well, and her poops look perfectly normal, but I noticed today right after she took a drink of water, she spit it all up and sneezed. I only saw her do this once before the day after the chicks...
  4. B

    Pale pink, formerly red, comb

    One of my chickens, not the biggest, but the most precocious, as well as the alpha, has been molting for 4 weeks now, first molt. She is active frisky, and eats well. I am however concerned about her pale, shrunken comb. Should I be?
  5. Chickenpapa77

    Help, Coccidiosis? red gel balls in poop

    My 3.5 yr old Silver Laced Wyandotte is just finishing a molt and has pale comb, decreased energy, and decreased appetite. I thought it was just the molt, but then I found poop with red gel balls in it. I would not characterize it as blood. I found one poop chart saying it was coccidiosis, but...
  6. so_fancy_af

    Single swollen leg (lower shank), head shaking, pale comb

    My speckled Sussex Beebee has been looking worse and worse. Her comb has been pale for a while, but she's been molting. Now, though, one of her legs is swollen and she has that sick, hunched over look. She's starting to shake her head every few seconds when she's standing still, and every now...
  7. L

    Chicken wasting away and falling over

    I noticed about a month ago that one of my chickens’ combs was very pale and shrivelled and that she seemed to have less energy than the others. When I picked her up I also noticed that she is extremely skinny under her feathers, like basically a skeleton. I brought her inside and dewormed her...
  8. The chicken nurd

    Help! Yellow skin on hens vent and wing pits

    I have 4 hens who I’ve been treating for lice we sprayed with permectrin a little over a week ago and today I noticed that 4 of the 5 hens we treated have yellow gunk around there vent and under wings (where we sprayed permectrin) along with poop stuck to there vent 3 of the 4 are acting...
  9. GudaRen

    Chicken has pale comb and less active

    One of my hen is having pale comb. She is less active, not foraging as much as the other hens, like sometimes she just stands there alone doing nothing and just staring. She drinks and eats, but she feels kinda light. She is still alert, it was not easy to catch her. I checked her skin, I don’t...
  10. L Home Farm


    I have a cream legbar pullet whose eyes look… odd. She’s absolutely healthy, preening, scratching, pooping, eating, drinking, etc. But her eyes are a strange shape, and I’ve noticed her blinking a bit and sometimes shaking her head. I got her & her 4 sisters from a guy who told me they were...
  11. sookie252

    Poorly Hen

    Hey all. Just looking for ideas of what could be up with my girl. She's very lethargic hunched up. Just sitting in hut. Not really eating or drinking.very pale comb and if I'm hinest she feels very light as if she's lost weight. We're due to get wormed anyways so have done that. Can't see any...
  12. smokeater413

    Pale comb on brooding hen.

    Broody hen about 14 days in, I am concerned about her pale comb and waddle. Anyone confirm or refute my concern?
  13. Phalpin

    Eye problems, difficulty seeing

    I will use the suggested guidelines to ensure thoroughness: 1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) Barred Rock hen, 7 years old, seems underweight compared to the others in the flock. 2) What is the behavior, exactly. Walks...
  14. Cinnaminute

    Panting and lethargic; need help identifying cause

    1) What type of bird, age and weight: 11mo Easter Egger. No noticeable weight gain/loss. 2) What is the behavior, exactly. Lethargy, pale comb, and abnormal panting (temps are low 60s inside and outside). Symptoms started yesterday afternoon before clearing up in the evening. They started again...
  15. W

    Lethargic, Pale comb Chicken

    I have a 11 month old RIR that has been lethargic today. Comb and waddles seem pale and cooler temp than usual, tail is droopy. We've brought her inside to help keep her warm, calm, and away from the flock. She is panting, but seems more to be when she is warm and not because she is struggling...
  16. Yooniebean

    Fowl pox?

    Hello. One of my hens got these scab like things on her waddle area quite some time ago but I saw it as nothing until today since I just thought an animal might attacked her. past few days she has stopped laying and had become very inactive and not interested in food. I wouldn't worry to much...
  17. nekocafe

    Pale comb? Is my chicken okay?

    Hello! My Dominique chicken (6-7 months old) has a pale comb, she’s moving a little slower than usual lately too. Eating & drinking still, don’t think she’s laying anymore, had some poop stuck to the feathers on her butt today. I’ve added Nutridrench to the water just in case she needs extra...
  18. A-Chicken-Person

    Sick chicken

    My sweet girl Dixie was sluggish and sat down when she ate she also had this really bad poopy butt. She is getting better, she is still slow but not waddling by feeling her keel she seems to have lost weight compared to other chickens. She still has the bad diarrhea and I wash her behind with...
  19. C

    Sick chicken, issue unknown

    Hello, I just recently started caring for two chickens. Have had them for about 1.5 months. Just yesterday one of the chickens started looking and acting sick, but not sure what is going on. Her comb is very pale, she is barely eating or drinking. Mainly just stays in one spot. I did notice her...
  20. kaleighmarie1213

    Roo Falling/Limping & Pale Comb

    Help me figure out what's up with my roo boy! This is the second day in a row now that he has plopped out of the coop in the morning and takes encouragement to get up and move. His comb and wattles are turning pale and limp, and his feathers on his lower back area seem to be jumbled up...
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