Anxious hen, not integrating with flock


☆Chicken Chaos☆
Jul 7, 2023
Pacific NW
So we just got this new hen, Hazel, and she is not integrating well. For context, here are some things to know about the flock, and my setup.

The Flock:
Esther, a barred rock, is the boss chicken. She is loud and opinionated. In the middle we have Glowy, a silver lace wyandotte. She is quiet, but hostile towards squirrels. Then we have Onyx, an ayam cemani mix, and bottom of the pecking order, not counting Hazel. Onyx kickboxes when she is angry, and loves snacks. They are around 1 year old.

The Setup: The coop and run are connected, the run is medium sized, same with the coop. When adding Hazel I tool the top of a large guinea pig cage and put it in the coop, with food and watter. I also added a perch, and made sure she had dirt to dig. The coop is 100% predator proof, so it is safe.

Hazel: Hazel is 4 years old, and lost her chicken friend a week and a half ago. She is now anxious, and refuses to leave the area I set up for her. She is a black laced gold wyandotte. Hazel is also eating and drinking.

The Problem: Hazel gets anxious about leaving her area I set up. She gets anxious about the other chickens hurting her. When Esther just looks in her direction, she screams and runs. She is not integrating with the flock, and no one is happy. Onyx is even making a new grumpy noise! Esther did pull one or two of her feathers one time, and she did get cornered, but there has been no blood. I am worried about her. I am thinking about giving her back now that her family has moved and can take her soon. Will being around people she knows help? What do I do?
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I am very distressed. I don't know what to do, and hate seeing the chickens so unhappy. Any advice or just information is greatly appreciated!
Territory is a funny thing, and being able to see it, but not occupy it, the chicken thinks that is not her territory, and stays where she belongs.

I have a lot more success, when I integrate birds (and adding a single bird, is the hardest integration to do) is I give the new bird the coop and run, and remove the other birds.

I lock my original birds outside the coop/run. Lock the new bird in the coop/run. Feed along the fence. Let the old birds in as close to dark as I dare. Next day repeat.

Day three, I lock one of the middle birds in with her. There is a bit of a dust up, but one on one, settles quickly. That night, I let the others in, and they all go to roost.

Day four, I keep a pretty close eye on things, but keep them all together.

Once in a while, you get a real bully, and locking that bird up can help like you did.

Mrs K

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