Are these Goose eggs good or not?


Aug 22, 2022
First ever egg incubation Started March 23rd Started with 8. #7 was for sure doing well but now I'm worried as I'm no longer seeing movement and I believe lock down starts April 17th? So I just want to know if I should continue or if their no good. My mom insisted I give #3 longer than 14 days and I'm just tired of giving it chances and really wanting to avoid egg exploding since I would be the one to clean it up. We have 6 more as a staggered incubation and I bought another incubator to use for a hatcher. So I'm prepared for if #7 is still alive.

egg 3-2.jpg
egg 3-1.jpg

And Egg #7 (It was doing well and I could actively seem movement until it started to darken but now I'm paranoid)

egg 7-2.jpg
egg 7-1.jpg

Sorry about poor pictures. Solo holding a goose egg on a standing desk light while also taking pictures is sketchy lol Also its not yet dark but I am impatient. XD
Hard to tell by your pictures. I got a cheap candler off of Amazon that works real good. Your desk lamp isn't strong enough to light up the eggs enough to see. You should go from seeing the yolk, to blood vessels, than eventually everything gets darker. Perhaps you can tell more in person.
#7 was dead I believe. I used my dads work flash light and I couldn't see any veining and as i moved the egg there was a dark swishiness inside of it. I figured it was probably dead so I took it outside pretty far from the house and coop and dropped it onto a log and it immediately popped. The stuff inside was looking kinda greyish gunk looking. Only saw one red vein stuck to the shell and what appeared to be the start of a gosling though thats said loosely. Looked more like a slightly bigger than a dime sized grey blob with a black spot. Not really any solid form whatsoever. I feel bad for having to break it without giving it more chances but with several other eggs inside the same incubator I can't risk the egg exploding. On the other hand!

Candled the next batch which its day 6 I believe I dont have my date right infront of me lol and all of them look like theres a red dot and very faint veining. But their also very dirty so might not see the veining clearly till later
They do take a bit of time to start to show development.
I'm sad about #7 but I can understand that it happens. To begin with I'm pretty sure out of the first 8 only 3 started to develop as two others I tossed due to blood rings. Which they were our goose's first eggs ever. I'm honestly surprised we've gotten 15 from her. I heard most first time laying geese usually only late 5-10. But we still have 7. I would be happy with just 2.
My geese will lay massive group nests. I let them set one year. It worked out great. Next year not so well as eggs kept going missing. I also accidentally tossed a developing egg by mistake thinking it was a new egg laid. That made me sick to see. Last year I picked them all up. This year I'm picking them all up as well because I ordered some goslings instead.
My geese will lay massive group nests. I let them set one year. It worked out great. Next year not so well as eggs kept going missing. I also accidentally tossed a developing egg by mistake thinking it was a new egg laid. That made me sick to see. Last year I picked them all up. This year I'm picking them all up as well because I ordered some goslings instead.
We only have a single pair of geese. Our girl Gizzy didn't seem to go broody either. I would have let her sit if she did. Or one of our chickens.

This year was mainly to experience incubating and someone we know said they would take 2 if we could hatch them.

Next year though maybe sell.

We got both chickens and geese last year and none have yet to go broody. I wish they would lol. I was hoping maybe one of our hens would go broody so I could sneak a goose egg or two under her to see if she could and would hatch them. But nope. 9 hens and no one went broody. And I believe we have some of the broody prone breeds.

We have buff orpingtons, a light brahma, black australorps, easter egger and gold lace wyandotte. If I remember orpingtons and brahma are broodier.

If only I could choose who goes broody though lol. One girl in particular I believe she would make an amazing mother just based on how she acted around our goslings when they first arrived. Shes the only one our geese allow to eat with them. Such an odd relationship lol
My geese will lay massive group nests. I let them set one year. It worked out great. Next year not so well as eggs kept going missing. I also accidentally tossed a developing egg by mistake thinking it was a new egg laid. That made me sick to see. Last year I picked them all up. This year I'm picking them all up as well because I ordered some goslings instead.
Also accidents happen. I numbered the eggs as she laid because we only have her laying but I'm sure its alot more difficult having multiples. Personally I would love to have another goose or 2. No more ganders though. I have enough to deal with our gander Gus lol
We only have a single pair of geese. Our girl Gizzy didn't seem to go broody either. I would have let her sit if she did. Or one of our chickens.

This year was mainly to experience incubating and someone we know said they would take 2 if we could hatch them.

Next year though maybe sell.

We got both chickens and geese last year and none have yet to go broody. I wish they would lol. I was hoping maybe one of our hens would go broody so I could sneak a goose egg or two under her to see if she could and would hatch them. But nope. 9 hens and no one went broody. And I believe we have some of the broody prone breeds.

We have buff orpingtons, a light brahma, black australorps, easter egger and gold lace wyandotte. If I remember orpingtons and brahma are broodier.

If only I could choose who goes broody though lol. One girl in particular I believe she would make an amazing mother just based on how she acted around our goslings when they first arrived. Shes the only one our geese allow to eat with them. Such an odd relationship lol
I let a Bantam Cochin hatch some two years ago, but I pulled them as they hatched, and last year a mixed Bantam hen hatched and raised a single gosling. Took him a while to realize he wasn't a chicken.

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