Black Sumatra Broody....


On A Clucking Adventure
Premium Feather Member
Feb 1, 2023
Scranton, PA
Do black sumatras generally make good mothers?

I would expect from mine’s personality she might not. Her name is Betty but I always end up calling her Karen.

She seems inclined to go broody these last couple days. And I have a seven chick order from a hatchery due to hatch May 20th. I'm tempted to try to sneak the chicks under her when they get here...
I'd try it. Each hen is an individual. I have no idea about Sumatras. Leghorns are supposed to never go broody yet some do and make great mothers. Some Silkie or Orpington hens that are supposed to be great others simply are not. Breeds may have tendencies but that's on average. Not all are average. Karen's attitude may show that she would be a great mother, at least in protecting her chicks.
I'd try it. Each hen is an individual. I have no idea about Sumatras. Leghorns are supposed to never go broody yet some do and make great mothers. Some Silkie or Orpington hens that are supposed to be great others simply are not. Breeds may have tendencies but that's on average. Not all are average. Karen's attitude may show that she would be a great mother, at least in protecting her chicks. she's not camping in a nest box.

So I guess if you want to break a broody, you just have to plan to give her chicks and then post about it on the internet?

My test to see if a hen is a committed broody and deserves eggs or chicks is that she has to spend two consecutive nights on the nest. It doesn't matter what she does in daytime. One night is not enough. All those can be feints to mess with your mind. Two consecutive nights has worked for me so far.
My test to see if a hen is a committed broody and deserves eggs or chicks is that she has to spend two consecutive nights on the nest. It doesn't matter what she does in daytime. One night is not enough. All those can be feints to mess with your mind. Two consecutive nights has worked for me so far.
Hmm...well she's spent two nights in the nest box. I removed her to the roost each night because I'm still not sure I want to try the chicks with her but I am sure I don't want to clean poop out of the nest box.

We'll see where she goes tonight, roost or nest box.
Last two nights were spent on the roost bar with all the others.

So much for the plans of mice and men.

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