Can someone tell me what the heck a Cuban Kikiriki and a Puertican Hennie Kikiriki is?

Not sure of the other information listed here, but Hennie or Henny is a term for a hen feathered rooster. Off the top of my head you can see it in Sebrights and Campines.

ETA: I just realized this thread is almost a year old, perhaps the OP got some and can post pictures?
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you are correct theres many different gamefowl breeds with hennies . but most breeders stateside seem to see seabrights as hennies.
According to google, in many places, it is the sound a rooster is said to make.

Just because it isn't your personal experience doesn't make it so wrong that you have to repeately make someone feel like they're dumb.

Yup, I believe French, German, Czech and Italian roosters all say Kikiriki--though the emphasis on the syllables may be different. You know, kiki-riki vs ki-kiri-ki. My Euro-husband thinks Cocka-doodle-doo is ridiculous.
either way these birds suck i hate them. i have them living in my tree next to my house. they never shut up! they crow at 3 in the morning. i wish i never fed them and thought that it was a good idea, because then maybe they wouldn't think that my house is their home. now lucky me has three hens raising chicks right now and probably more on the way. all the roosters do all day are fight or crow ahhhh=/
you say "i breed this type alot and like to breed pure hennies. alot like the seabright bantams except we got every color known -white blk mottled -red etc.etc. i breed mine on the island of st.croix islands."
which colors do you have in pure hennies, and how small are they? Are we talking tiny, like an oegb or show sebright? or more like a standard leghorn pullet?
Here an example of what is a kikiriki. This one is mine and we raise them in PR. They come in many color shapes and sizes.The purpose is to make them more diminutive in body shape, size and legs with the characteristics of a game bird. These breed came from the croos of different bantam breeds and these are the results of many years of experience and the effort of many breeders in PR. These breed are not established in any books like a pure bantam breed but is our pride and happiness of have one of the smallest breeds in the world. The prices start from $10.00 up to $400.00 by exemplary all depends in conformation,color, shape, legs length,rarely and the line they come and of course the breeder final word. So I wait this information can help all of you to understand what is a kikiriki in all forms thanks.
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Here a different pic capture.In this one you can see the posture from other view.This color we call them canaguey and the legs of this rooster are white we call them canaguey pati cebo.Cebo is the description for the legs when they have the legs color white. In this pics I know you can't apreciate the legs but they have very short ones like one inch or less.These one are undubbed but if you dubbed they look more tiny and more like a pit game rooster.
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