Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

Hi Nifty,
More storms coming today, so not much time to visit, but thank you for asking! My girls are credited with the 'beaks-up' notice the last time we got 1 1/2" hail stones (and we put friends' vehicles in the barn with my ponies). They layed VERY few eggs that day, so I put the word out... My girls are great weather tellers!

Anyway, here they are on a better day...🐔❤❤😊🙏🙏

Thanks for checking in! I hope the storms didn't give you too much trouble! Sounds like you have an early watch system built in with your flock, haha.
I am still considering raising chickens. I am watching what my neighbor does with hers and learning from her. She has Livestock Guard dogs and I do not. Knowing that there are coyotes and bobcats around (as well as snakes and hawks) I am still pondering how best to protect any future chickies.

Thanks for checking in! Hopefully you will decide to get some chickens - this is definitely not the place to be discouraged from it, haha. We are all a bunch of chicken enablers here :p
Hello all. We bought our acres last spring and aregetting it ready this year. Fruit trees and structures. I am so excited to get back to being a ChuckMomma. Soon I plan

Thanks for saying hi! What kind of fruit trees are you planting? Fingers crossed for chickens soon.
Hello, I don't know why but I stopped getting emails from you. So glad you are reaching out because I really enjoy all the information on this site. I have lost two chickens this past winter. Both were Golden Commets and I think they had sour crop. I tried to treat it but I wasn't successful. I have 5 hens now and am enjoying the warmer weather. I get 2-3 eggs daily from 4 year old hens. Love my girls!

Thanks for popping in to say hi! Sorry to hear about your losses :( Golden Comets can be prone to health issues as they get older - the high rate of laying is hard on their bodies. It sounds like you did what you could for them.
Awesome idea, most of us “quiet ones” are probably just plugging away in life. I get on BYC frequently to get my questions answered. I don’t have to post any questions or concerns b/c somebody already asked and others on BYC have answered!! Recently looked up what to do about a broody girl.

Beautiful girls! How did things turn out with your broody?
Welcome back to BackYard Chickens! That is sooo cool that you can do that and they listen! You should try capturing a video of that and share it on here (if you're comfortable with doing that). I'm sure there's a lot of us peeps who would be just amazed at that as I am.
They always listen - that's what gave me the idea. If I ever manage to record them reacting I'll share it.
Hi Friends,

We have had chickens since August of 2022. We started with 8 (2 Easter Eggers, 1 Plymouth Barred Rock, and 4 black austrolorps, and 1 sapphire gem. We purchased a coop and the chickens that were 2 years old. In summer of 2023 we added 4 EE chicks (one was a roo which we kept). We culled one austrolorp who was an egg eater. We are planning on purchasing 3 more Plymouth barred rocks very soon. I know we suffer from chicken math, but we are thinking of the new chicks as replacements for some of our older population.

BYC continues to be a huge resource for us. My biggest treasure finds on BYC have been the Mamma Heating Pad for raising our baby chicks, and a recipe for creating our organic fermented chicken feed. Thanks for this useful resource!
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