Help! chicken not coming out of nesting box

my baby chicken is starting to get broody, she is 6 months old and has been laying one egg every day since she was 19 weeks old. Then last night all of the sudden she went right to one of the nesting boxes, this morning when i went to let the chickens out of their pen like I always do, she was still in the same box. I checked to see if she had eggs in there but it was empty and got annoyed when i open the nesting box door. Id been checking on her all day and she has been warming the golf ball in that box. i check her vent for any signs of egg inside and I do not feel anything inside there. she is wide awake not lethargic at all.
Back to this...our Frizzle is doing all of these things described here. She stopped laying five days ago and just sits in the same nesting box. Some other hens want to use that box even though we have six others 🙄 so she occasionally gets kicked out, but goes right back in. We bring her out of the coop and she’ll eat and drink frantically then literally run right back in. She grooms like crazy when we bring her out, as well. Her comb/wattle have always been smaller than the rest but as she’s a smaller breed I never worried. I have a blueberry patch that is fenced off (because chickens stripped them bare our first year with those pesky girls lol) so we’re going to put her in there during the days then put her back in the coop at night, per one of the suggestions.
Before we try that though, should we let her try to hatch one of the other’s eggs? They lay in her favorite box regularly, so that wouldn’t be difficult to accomplish.

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