how long can a broody hen be off her eggs?

Really, because I put her new eggs and she is on them, and the chick is wondering around her. And when the chick gets cold it goes under it's mother.

BTW how can you identify a chick if it's a hen or a rooster.
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Never mind, she got off the eggs to be with her chick.
When will the chick leave it's mother?
When the chick grows into a chicken will it know which one is his mother?
Usually it's the hen who leaves her chicks, and that time seems to vary depending on the hen. And the little voices only she hears in her head. I've had hens who start ignoring their chicks at 4-6 weeks. Others let them hang around longer, maybe 8-9 weeks. Neither the chicks nor the hens seem to recognize or prefer each other afterwards. But I've noticed that chicks who are raised together tend to prefer each other's company when they're grown.
When I let her out with her chick she attacks everyone she sees, so I made her own place to be alone.
BTW, she always takes dust baths, like for an hour.
Sounds like she's not ready to leave her chicks while she acts like that. It also sounds like she might have mites if she's dust-bathing for an hour. Check her over to be sure, she might just like relaxing in the tub.
True. The chicks who born and were raise together like their mutual company more than others. This changes with age, but not completely. This is more evident when they rest., they not recognize their mothers or viceversa.

Ready to "siesta".
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i had a broody hen hatched off some guineas and one day she had to of been off them for at least 3-5 hours! but they still hatched with one egg didn't do anything. so i'd say 5 hours at most. and it can't be freezing temps either.

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