Roosters tearing feathers from hens. What can i do?

Yes are bare five hens are bare he did have a bum leg ufor for a little bit jumping up and down and hurt his leg of post how he good but he is sclumsy with the hen
I believe I have 42 RIR hens with 2 roosters. I only want roosters for fertile eggs and thats not necessary often anyway. Otherwise, I consider roosters to be for meat only; or they are a pain in the butt. Sure they are pretty and have funny ways and cute little dances, but they can make some real trouble. They are here for replacement purposes only. I would keep them in jail, until their services are required; if at all.
I don’t have roosters because I believe the same they are meat only. My neighbors rooster got in my pen and ravaged one of my beautiful hens I just hope she is going to be ok.

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