Serama Hatchalong pt 2!

I'm changing my guess on colour. He looks red based to me
He's gone. My kid somehow got the door off the chick enclosure and all the birds were out. Got em all rounded back up. And I only had 20 out of 21. Sloth/GDC wasn't found. Not even his body. I looked in the front and back yard 4x each! I assume a cat got him. 😞
We have woods near us and I am terrifies of spiders. And the connecting yard to our front yard is private property and fenced in. I searched under everything I could. In and around the whole property and near our neighbor too. He wouldn't be over there though. I feel like an idiot letting him into the baby area. He was lonely though. 🙁 He had so much fun in the 20 minutes I sat watching. Once he got used to all the other bigger babies.

I miss him. I even went out later and looked. There wasn't any peeping anywhere which is what makes me think one of the feral cats ate him.
I know you miss him. Hugs for you Elfen. ❤️ Although it doesn’t give you much comfort, he’s with Pride now. Rest peacefully tiny Sloth.

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