What's the temperature where you are???

Wednesday 1st May 10.15a.m. Mostly sunny, sky clearing. Moderate 24.1 / 40.8kph SW, Hg 50%, 17.2C / 63F top of 18C / 64F. Showers all week, apparently. :confused:

Moon is 55.1%

View attachment 3817210

Rain could fall for 10 days straight along the New South Wales coast as weather systems over southern Australia grind to a standstill.

The prolonged drenching will result from a "blocking high", the name given to a high-pressure system that stalls from several days to several weeks, and blocks the typical eastward movement of weather.

This stalling of pressure systems removes the standard day-to-day variability typically experienced in mid-latitude climates like Sydney, leading to an extended spell where the weather is almost identical each day.

While some blocks lead to warm and sunny weather, this week's pattern will bring cool and showery weather to the NSW coast, intensifying into areas of heavy rain this weekend which may even culminate in another bout of flooding.

Not good, if it happens.
Sounds like the weather here, rain rain rain… but no where near as warm.
Only drizzle and wind so far, thankfully. Getting cooler 14.9C / 58.5 F at 7p.m. Down to 13C overnite. The chickens are taking themselves to bed by 5p.m. ... they don't like the cold either lol
You’re entering Autumn there while I am entering Spring. How cool/cold are your winters there?

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