Which should I get bantams or buff orpington


In the Brooder
Apr 16, 2024
Im thinking of getting 10 chickens and dont know which breed to get. I posted another thread on this and people said get bantams. I researched online and saw mixed reviews of Buff Orpingtons some say they are loud and some say they are not. People say bantams aren't good for meat or eggs but are not loud. please let me know. I'm going to tractor suplly on Wednesday to pick them up. If you think buff Orpington or bantams are both loud and bad here are some more options.
colored Orpington.
buff orpingtons
bantams(not sure which type)
Thank you
All chickens are loud. It really depends on what you are looking for. Eggs? Meat? Both? Bantams aren’t the best for egg production or meat and orps are good for eggs and sometimes meat. Bantams do require a lot less food than a standard sized chicken though.
All chickens are loud. It really depends on what you are looking for. Eggs? Meat? Both? Bantams aren’t the best for egg production or meat and orps are good for eggs and sometimes meat. Bantams do require a lot less food than a standard sized chicken though.
I'm looking for both egg and meat. I keep ducks and my neighbors have not complained I need a breed that is simmilar to duck noise. Although if the chickens do get too loud I could put a rooster collar on them
TSC bantams are not sexed, so you will most likely get roosters. Roosters are loud for sure. My buff Orpington is very quiet, but it doesn't mean all Orpingtons are quiet. Every chicken is different.
Im thinking of getting 10 chickens and dont know which breed to get. I posted another thread on this and people said get bantams. I researched online and saw mixed reviews of Buff Orpingtons some say they are loud and some say they are not. People say bantams aren't good for meat or eggs but are not loud. please let me know. I'm going to tractor suplly on Wednesday to pick them up. If you think buff Orpington or bantams are both loud and bad here are some more options.
colored Orpington.
buff orpingtons
bantams(not sure which type)
Thank you
Our buff Orpingtons were LOUD! We recently got rid of three for being bullies (and our flocked calmed down dramatically, even with new chicks in the coop), and our last one loves to sing so loud and then stand in the coop where it echos. Whether she has laid an egg or not lol but she's our broody mama of twice now and very friendly. Also. Her name is Noisy Girl, for a reason lol

Our Australorps are hit or miss on noisy level. They love to sing an egg song but if you happen to be out there they calm quickly if you talk to them and say good girl! Lol

We had one bantam rooster inside (our avatar) and miss him dearly. But don't have any knowledge on them

Good luck!
People say bantams aren't good for meat or eggs but are not loud.
Bantams are small. If you want big chickens for meat, then of course bantam are not a good choice. But you certainly can eat bantams (and if you get bantams, and some turn out to be males, I strongly recommend that you do eat them.)

Bantams lay small eggs. Some bantams lay just as many eggs as big chickens, some bantams do not.

Some bantams are loud, some are not. It seems to depend on the individual bantam. I think the loudest bantams are not QUITE as loud as the loudest big chickens, but either size can be loud enough to be very annoying. The quietest bantams and the quietest big chickens are about equal.

I'm looking for both egg and meat. I keep ducks and my neighbors have not complained I need a breed that is simmilar to duck noise. Although if the chickens do get too loud I could put a rooster collar on them
If you intend to keep a rooster, and hatch eggs to raise the chicks for meat, then you will want a breed that is good for both eggs and meat.

But if you do not intend to keep a rooster and hatch eggs, you might be happier getting two kinds of chickens, one for eggs and one for meat. Cornish Cross meat chickens grow very fast, so you butcher them when they are only about 8 weeks old. At that age, they are usually not very loud (not much crowing, no "egg song" from females because they are not laying yet.)
a bit zetty bro.

the ring necked pheasant is the quietest chicken đź‘Ś
A pheasant is not a chicken at all. It might be a quiet bird but it's not a chicken. I don't know if it's good for eggs, you might google that.

You're not going to get much meat off a bantam, they're quite small and so are their eggs. Orpingtons are meaty and have nice eggs but they tend to be broody, and you don't get eggs when they're broody (setting on eggs for three weeks till they hatch and then being mama for another several weeks). Barred Rocks or Dominiques might be a good choice for meat and eggs but I don't know if they would be considered noisy. .
A pheasant is not a chicken at all. It might be a quiet bird but it's not a chicken. I don't know if it's good for eggs, you might google that.

You're not going to get much meat off a bantam, they're quite small and so are their eggs. Orpingtons are meaty and have nice eggs but they tend to be broody, and you don't get eggs when they're broody (setting on eggs for three weeks till they hatch and then being mama for another several weeks). Barred Rocks or Dominiques might be a good choice for meat and eggs but I don't know if they would be considered noisy. .
perhaps the closest living relatve to the junglefowl that is not a member of the Gallus group. Does lay olive eggs but is a seasonal layer and can never be free ranged unless clipped and penned up. They barely make any noise at all.

whats the quietest chicken breed in the world?

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