Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

it is a spectacular year for blossoming trees
this is our volunteer 45 to 50 year old apple tree
it grew between the pines. the branches on the opposite side are long ago dead and gone.
each of the two trunks porduce a different kind of apple.
3/5 of the blossoms are from the left trunk.
you might be able to see a line where the blossoms meet.
the bottom of the branches are 7 feet from the ground. it is a tall tree.
there are lots of different kinds of bees.
I hope the frost holds off.
I have some rhubard, maybe i make something, planted couple years ago. Some sweet corn planted, wife has alot of garden planted and I have a mystery chick that popped up in the barn. Looks couple days old maybe 3? Daughter found it. Looked in barn lots hiding spots, cant find a hen sitting, do have a broody she due about 10 days. She is in the nesting box.
Count hens tonight had one go missing while ago, confused.
Suppose ill need go farm fleet go buy it a buddy, chicken math.
The broody hen has a chick now, guess I was few days off lost track. Been BZ. Wonder if chick hatched, she got off nest another hen went in and ate broken egg shell. Still missing hen. She still has few eggs to go. She gets off nest ill bring rest eggs to incubator.
Once she gets off nest I will try to give her the other 2 I have in basement.
Howdy from lower Bayfield County! We have six chicks in the brooder, ranging in age from 7 to 3 weeks. The bigger girls are nearly ready to integrate into the flock. Just treating one for middle toes who are a bit wonky. Our girls are laying everyday, and I’ll be at Taste of Barnes June 15 selling eggs. However…

I’m at my wits end trying to treat our New Hampshire, Divine, for defeathering mites. We did a Permawhatever dip, also sprayed down the coop and cleaned out the bedding, sprayed with bleach. No change in her appearance. So I tried slathering her bare areas with Dawn dish soap, and then dipping her in water to clean her off, and slathered more on her bare areas. No matter what I do, it doesn’t seem to help. She’s fine otherwise - eats like a champ, lays eggs. What else can I do? Thanks!

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