I applauded your abilities, esp. In the painting department. Good job!
p.s. In my humble opinion, hens are the epitome of " give them an inch..." If you let them explore somewhere (like in the yard) they'll harass you and make you feel guilty until you let them do it everyday. Lol.
LOVE the coop.
I know this is an older article, but it is still relevant. I needed to read this! My 10 month old roosters have just recently started to fight after sparring since hatch. They were close until recently. I think that I made a mistake by separating them. I should have let them establish their pecking order without interfering. Thank you for an informative article.
I'm planning to let my (constant) broody hatch again this coming year. Last spring "we" only hatched 2 out of 10 eggs. I believe that was due to my interference, as I'm pretty certain she instinctively knew what she was doing. This coming spring I will use this information to set up an area for her nest and then I'll just leave it to Lucy.
I enjoyed reading your informative article on seed sprouting. It was well written and the pictures were helpful also. Thank you for taking the time to educate.
I was reading up on sand, as I have dirt in the run now (used to have grass ) and drainage is an issue. This article is very convincing. I will use sand in the run for now and consider it for the coop later. Thank you for an informative and well written article.
It is great to see an article that addresses the "victim"! I have a shy legbar that is a chronic victim. While none of my hens are terrible bullies, they do tend to run her away from the feed. Even the smaller chicks seem to recognize her as the victim. I'm going to give this a try as soon as I can get the 4 weeks old out of the adjoining run. Thanks for a great article!