Latest comments

  • Cream Legbars - from chick to adult
    The photos are much appreciated. Sadly (for me) I now understand that one of the chicks I got in a sexed run seems to be a rooster...
    • JLGauntt
  • Pecking Canabalism And Egg Cleaning Faq
    what is the "this stuff" that you apply for wounds?
    • 1supergrandma
  • Cleaning the Coop, Do's and Don'ts
    I was reading recently that pine shavings can be toxic to chicks/ens with long term use?
    • Smcgra13
  • Turkey Hoop House
    What a great project and your detailed instructions are perfect combo of informative but not overwhelming! Question: how did it work out for you...
    • schnauzerpup
  • The Truth And Guide To Red Sex Links.
    I have 2 currently, and both 3 years old. They have been laying an egg just about every day, but now one is starting to have some egg problems...
    • Courtnan

Latest reviews

  • Malformation, Disabilities, Deformations in Quail and How to Cure them.
    5.00 star(s)
    Brilliant post i have had recent problems with my hatch rate as the incubator kept cooling some hatched out but didn't survive. My pearl have...
    • cathalmire
  • The Truth And Guide To Red Sex Links.
    5.00 star(s)
    Great article but very disappointing as I have two red sex link. Connie and Bonnie, and they are the sweetest two birds except maybe my brahmas...
    • Antiocheggers
  • My Goose Story
    2.00 star(s)
    I guess i understand the "meat" animals (not really), but you were her friend. How could you betray her like that, and make a joke of it? Not...
    • Anonymous
  • Roosters: Everything You Need To Know
    4.00 star(s)
    Good article. But one nit pick…roosters do not just crow only when there is a threat…Roosters crow for several reasons, including asserting their...
    • aking19
  • My Goose Story
    4.00 star(s)
    This is very interesting, I like it! You did misspell friends a couple of times though.
    • CrazyChickenLady123

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