Reviews by Jenbirdee

Great for ants getting in coop, and under potted plants in the garden
Pros: kills ants , non toxic to other animals unless its airborne
Cons: dont breathe the dust or let your birds breathe it either, can harm their lungs and their eyes (the dust) dont use on birds
I use this in my garden and around the coops but not on the birds anymore, I used to use it on the chickens and one of my hens got respiratory distress from it and has had squinty looking eyes ever since.
Use for places the birds wont get it airborne.
This works great!!
Pros: Blue so you can see where you put it and if its still there. works great.
Cons: no
I used this on my ducks face when she tore it open on a fence post and she healed up great.
works well but can be dangerous
Pros: The red doesnt keep chicks/ducklings awake at night
Cons: can be dangerous if not secured and protected
I like the infra red so the babies can sleep at night without light, the red doesnt keep them up. I just had to keep raising the bulb to control the temperature. But once I had it too low and melted the edge of my stock tank. I use extra clips and tie downs to secure the lamp and a bracket that will catch the bulb if it were to fall. we do not want any fires!


Super Admin
English chocolates are super floofy smart and sweet
Pros: sweet &friendly, good with kids, cold hardy, large eggs, smart, brave
Cons: so poofy floofy they get dirty easily (floof drags on ground, and poop can get on butt feathers) &not too great in very hot weather.
whats funny about my chocolate orps is how they boss my ducks around. only 2 hens and they chase off all 12 ducks. they are brave.
they understand duck-speak. when there are treats theres a special quack to call the ducks ,,and the chickens actually come running so fast theyre the first ones there., they are smart.
They are very sweet and friendly, even jump up on my lap sometimes. and gentle with children.
so super floofy - they look round like beach balls! beach balls with feet lol. I have to really watch and check them often for bugs because their floof feathers practically drag on the ground. they also need bottom baths every few months . theres just too much floooof for the poops to make it over and out without sometimes getting on those butt feathers,
Purchase Price
$40 ea for poults at pol
Purchase Date
summer of 22


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kind of scarey
Pros: works still after several years
Cons: seems like its never secure enough, scarey, fire hazard
I always add extra clips and tie ons like zip ties and duck tape to make sure it cant fall into the brooder. the on off switch seems a little loose too. I want to get something better .
Fantastic !
Pros: dependable egg layers. pretty like pekins but much better healthwise!
I have a few white layers and they are healthy, sturdy, dependable ducks. some have more outgoing personalities. one of mine loves to quack - a lot! I never had any problems with them and some of mine are 8 years old, still doing great.


Amazing fantastic EGGcellent ducks!!
Pros: Strong healthy birds, beautiful, lots of big eggs
Cons: n/a
One of the best duck breeds ever.
My Golden 300 "Flower" is the general of the flock. she sure is tough. The times I tried adding a drake to my all lady duck flock, she beat him up!

Pilgrim Geese

Lovely Friendly Geese
Pros: Beautiful auto sexing Will be your best friends IF >
Cons: some dont like ducks or chickens. and As with ALL geese, keep small children AWAY.
IF you spend time with them you will be accepted into their flock. They will be your best friends and probably give their life to save you from strangers. They will be so happy to see you every time you come out. They will run to you , shouting for joy!
and IF you learn how to show them who is the Alpha , then Ganders will respect you, even during breeding season.
Does this Pilgrim goose seem unfriendly or mean to YOU?
Purchase Price
$25 for each day old gosling
Purchase Date
May 2020
So far So good!
Pros: Beautiful heavyweight duck, adventurous
Cons: maybe her feet will get sore from her weight
I have one silver appleyard hen she is very adventurous like shes the first to come out into the snow! she seems very smart has learned quickly all the calls I make to the ducks. She not so afraid of my chickens like most of my other ducks are .


Super Admin
Almost gave a 4.5
Pros: So Beautiful and funny
Cons: prone to leg problems and other health issues if you keep them for many years (NOT for meat)
Everyone who visits me says the white ducks with the orange bills and feet are their faves - they are just so classic and pretty. Because of their weight they can have foot and leg problems so they require extra extra niacin supplements. also they may not live as long as other breeds because they are bred to be meat ducks (fast growth and heavy weight leads to heart failure and more)
your basic awesome duck breed
Pros: smart great layers good in summer and winter temps
Cons: can fly a little
the first year I had them they could fly about 6 feet high and go about 40 feet far. so I clipped wings. But after that I never had to again. They are a very hearty and intelligent breed. and so pretty little brown ducks (good camo)
ok for ducklings
Pros: holds together well and easy to clean
Cons: spills too much out but thats probably the ducklings crazy fault
ducklings grow so fast when brooding this one gallon lasts almost all day its easy to clean and refill but a lot spills out when ducklings go crazy however I think they all do that. I set it up on bricks to keep them out of it but somehow they still splash a lot out
I love vet rx but can be messy
Pros: smells great, helps birds like vicks vapor rub helps hoomans
Cons: container warps a little in hot tap water , messy to dispense
This is the first choice I go to when a bird seems to have a cold or any respiratory issue and sometimes thats all they need and they get well,, but other times if its something more serious like a bacterial infection they may need an antibiotic or something else.. The instructions say to warm it up by putting the container in warm water I used my tap water but it does warp/melt the plastic container a little so it no longer stands upright. It also does spill a little when squeezing it out so now I put a few drops in a shotglass and dip my finger in to rub some on birds head and on top of back (under wings where they tuck their head in at night.)
it smells to good and is all natural !
Too small
Pros: the material is double walled and weather proof
Cons: the design and size are terrible
I bought this for 2 hens, just 2 hens, but it was too small! The assembly was not too difficult I did it alone. I thought it looked nice on the outside but the inside seemed so cramped. and the latches are not very secure. The nesting boxes are very small even without the dividers.
OK so my hens are on the large side, english chocolate orpingtons, but even so, I only have 2. They could not get up on the roosting bar no matter which slot I moved it to. They hated it and so did I . (returned)
Purchase Price
Purchase Date
august 22
Great stuff but why single use packets
Pros: good ingredients
Cons: single use packets
I would rather have a bigger container with a scoop . But this has helped my ducklings and even can be used for older ducks when they are ill.
This stuff works
Pros: easy to spray on and works great
Cons: none
I have used this on my geese and ducks , it's great stuff to spray on cuts scrapes and sores. I also used it on my dog and I showed it to my vet who looked at the label and said "it's just chlorine water" I dont use that vet anymore
My favorite now
Pros: works wonderful
Cons: cant think if any
the best ingredients vitamin mineral supplement for poultry I use it for my ducks too I can see a difference


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Pros: Ducks can't tell the difference
Cons: neither can people
I mark them with a little x in pen so when a family member collects eggs they wont keep bringing these in.
I have used this for ducklings
Pros: organic
Cons: none
Of course with ducklings as with all waterfowl they need additional niacin so I used Nutritional yeast sprinkled into this, 1 Tbsp per cup of feed. My ducklings did great. I like the fact that it's organic. and non GMO
The best
Pros: easy to use, works on most all worms
Cons: dont know of any
i gave it to chickens on a piece of bread and they liked it. for ducks I have to use a syringe. I like that for most worms its only 2 doses10 days apart.
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