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  1. CochinBrahmaLover

    When are chukars flying

    At what age are chukars fully feathered & flying?
  2. CochinBrahmaLover

    All my rabbits!

    So I recently got rabbits ^^ here they all are :) This is Cali Cali & Rosa Cali Cali Cali, Rosa & Charlie Tuka Tuka Tuka Silver Silver
  3. CochinBrahmaLover

    What color is she?

    And how would I breed her to keep true to the color, if possible? I have a partridge roo - Cochin, a BLRW (poor quality), and a OEGB I could breed her to. I love this girl. She's beautiful. I need more. Lol. Boys I can breed her too. I dont care about type much at first, so long as their...
  4. CochinBrahmaLover

    Pigeons dropping feathers *making my own feed*

    Ok, so we bought some birds (Swiss mondaines) and I noticed their dropping feathers like poo! Normally I'd say moult, but I have a squeaker whose doing it. I don't see any mites. Oh, and pigeon feed is EXPENSIVE, so I wanted to make my own. I figured, if I mixed a bunch of bird seed with peas...
  5. CochinBrahmaLover

    Swiss Mondaines

    ...pied grizzle Very funny to watch the mondaines fly. With homers it's this graceful, beautiful purr, but with these guys it's like 'OH MY GOD *huff pant pant* CAN'T *huff huff pant pant* GO *pant* ANY *gasping for breath* MORE!" Lol Oh and I think their moulting. I was holding a...
  6. CochinBrahmaLover

    Showing term

    So I recently entered some birds in the show.... I got Reserve Grand Champion in Open class, just the production variety, but considering it was a Pekin who was absolutely TINY compared to some of the big boys there, Im pretty dang proud of her! Seriously, she looked like a little chick compared...
  7. CochinBrahmaLover

    Guess the goslings' breed

    So for my bday, a friend came over with 3 little goslings. Adorable darlings, but he has no idea what they are. He's going to ask his dad, but for the meantime I'm guessing!! Now, they are TALKERS and the one photographed doesnt have a knob, one does though. It also has a swirl of fuzz, which...
  8. CochinBrahmaLover


    Looking for some spitzhauben breeders... Anyone know of any? Our beloved rooster died, and I'd love to get my sister a trio or pair of breeding spitzhaubens, I just feel like its my fault and she's been so sweet over the years, so I have to make it up. If you have hatching eggs, adults, or...
  9. CochinBrahmaLover

    Chicken can't use wing (very unbalanced, stiff)

    Ok, so here's the deal. We have this little production red, hasn't layed in days and has been sitting in the nest box. The only thing that kept me from setting eggs under her was that she was very timid and didnt seem to like the eggs Well I set her out of the box, boom, she fell over. She can...
  10. CochinBrahmaLover

    Do YOU know it's gender?

    It Kinda got a big red comb early (15 weeks, maybe? ), hangs out with a for sure austrolorp hen, had pointy hackle feathers but nadda single pointed saddle feathers. Completely round. Very odd, eccentric bird. Not very loud, but squawks if you catch it. The tail feathers are a tad rounded, but...
  11. CochinBrahmaLover

    Ducks standard

    So I'm heading to the fair on Thursday... I was wondering, what do y'all think of my ducks? Any tips on cleaning? The mallard drake has a VERY dirty mouth, should I use a tooth brush and clean his teeth? LOL. I don't expect to do good, they're all hatchery quality, next year I think ill just...
  12. CochinBrahmaLover

    Share your hidden nest collections

    Share your hidden nests that you found! :D turkey, duck, goose. Whatever! 2 winters ago, a hen kept getting out I guess, and that spring we found probably 2-3 dozen blue eggs! Also found a nest today. Found a single turkey egg on this little nest of hay. Left it to collect it later. Went back...
  13. CochinBrahmaLover

    Chicken got butt eaten off

    Ok so the puppy escaped 'prison' and managed to eat off my hens butt. Gah. I'm washing her with a betadine water solution, other then that, clueless. I think I may have to change her name from Joey to Rumpy, lol She's preening a bit, but it seems like she's trying to taste her blood... Alert...
  14. CochinBrahmaLover

    Gender guesses

    Ok, I know their kinda young to guess (a lot young, lol) but ill keep updates Roo? Girl Boy Girl Girl Boy Boy The last 3 are ~3 weeks old. I know it's awfully young, but I like to start guessing soon (:
  15. CochinBrahmaLover

    So I was trapping squirrels

    Was trapping squirrels, happened to use some chicken scratch as bait... This sure is a pretty squirrel...
  16. CochinBrahmaLover

    Lets play a game

    Ok, so i need y'all's help in finding the breed of 3 pullets... But a catch. I'm not sure what hatchery their from, if it was Murray McMurray, Ideal or Cackle.... They're also not laying, but today I found a pinkish pearl off white egg in the mud (it was disgusting so I let them have a treat...
  17. CochinBrahmaLover

    Underweight chick

    So I was holding my Cochin chick,she pooped so I switched her out for a Serema chick, and oy! Maybe it's just because the Cochin chick seems so meaty but this Serema girl, her keel is sharp! I can feel her crop, it's small but full. I just lowered their heat lamp (they kept cheeping and I...
  18. CochinBrahmaLover

    Would this be enough?

    Ok,so due to needing to cut back on feed costs, right now we plan on feeding our chickens, ducks and geese (plus 1 turkey hen) dubia roaches (getting a colony started), barley and free ranging But, come winter, they won't really be willing to even walk outside. So we have 2 choices - Feed them...
  19. CochinBrahmaLover

    And she's gone :(

    So I have pijis,and somehow the door to they're home was knocked open :( so my baby girl got out and I can't, for the life of me, find her. We've had her a week, but she's just so friendly. We have a trap out, the door is open if she wants to fly back in, but the ravens have fledglings and I'm...
  20. CochinBrahmaLover

    Simplest and easiest way to spoil your animals

    Ok, so I stumbled upon a beautiful 'recipe' today that anything that'll eat bread will love. So that means goats, sheep, waterfowl, poultry, etc. All you need is a bowl of flour, then add water until it gets a gummy consistency. Then, serve! Like bread, it serves no nutrional value, but the...
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