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  1. corvidae


    Ha! I am officially off work for the net 3 weeks! AND, today is my youngest son's birthday! I have a surgery tomorrow (minor thing, no big deal) but I couldn't care less since I get to be home and NOT AT WORK for a while! Don't get me wrong--I love my job and love taking care of people, but...
  2. corvidae


    Joel got his shipment of Welsummers from Whitmore Farms today. Cute little buggers, but they only sell them in groups of 25, so now we are back to having a heap of chicks running about. I still have some BLRW chicks, an few weeks old, and 4 Cream Legbar boys of the same age. Sheesh, we get rid...
  3. corvidae


    Gah, one of these days I am going to get a real life and not feel exhausted all the time. Actually, in another month or so, it looks like my work schedule might lighten up a bit and I'll actually have time to enjoy my kids, my chickens, and the stupid $4000 cat. Now, if I can just keep my mother...
  4. corvidae


    I have a few Cream Legbars around that age that I need to get rid of. Couple of BLRWs as well, though it is harder to tell their gender...
  5. corvidae


    Absolutely. The more the merrier. I'll PM my phone number and you can text me when you know what day you want to pick them up.
  6. corvidae


    Okay, so with Desert's assistance and some really oddly crazy antics from the boys, we have things a bit more sorted chicken-wise. This is what I have up for grabs, all of them down here in Bountiful: 3 Adult Cream Legbar girls in their first laying seaso 6 Juvenile Cream Legbar girls, about...
  7. corvidae


    Gah, between my typing and the autocorrect on the iPad, I'm not sure I am making any sense. The adult cream Legbars down here are NOT 3 year olds. They are 1 year old and there are 3 of them. And I'm pretty sure they aren't "cereal" cream Legbars, as the autocorrect seems to think...
  8. corvidae


    Sara-- if you are going to be anywhere near there, absolute, let's work something out! Otherwise, I will bring down whatever I can here to Bountiful for anyone to buy as they will. And when I say "buy", bear in mind prices are going to be extremely negotiable and the only reason I would charge...
  9. corvidae


    Desert-- I will be up at the land probably from about 5-7 tomorrow. Basically, just enough time to fill the feeders and sort out who is trying and who is going. Do you have the time for me to bring them to you after? If you send me directions, I can bring them to you before we go home. I'll have...
  10. corvidae


    Hi all-- Crazy times here. Between all the animal trauma, my mother going in and out of the hospital, and working 12-14 hour shifts almost every day, I have very little time anymore. :( The boys have been awesome, taking care of things at home while my roommates have been taking water to the...
  11. corvidae


    They didn't, actually, but I am making sure he stays hydrated with water via syringe. He actually ate a little food from my hand before I left for work (after we'd syringe fed him for a bit), so I am taking that as a good sign. He also has peed. He seems pretty comforted by one of us sitting...
  12. corvidae


    Expedee the cat is home now. Picked him up this morning. He still isn't eating and we are going to have to syringe feed him. Guess that is common with cats after major trauma, though. He looks good--up and walking, but a little peeved that he can't jump up onto his favorite couch. The boys are...
  13. corvidae


    Update on Expedee the cat: He was doing better this morning, with his labs looking more stable and him up trying to play with the drip on his IV, so they went ahead and did the surgery. He had a huge rupture in the abdominal muscles, which is actually good. Much easier to put the interstines...
  14. corvidae


    The BLRW are very calm and friendly as adults--juveniles tend to be a bit more skittish, but that seems to be the case in most breeds I've had. Cream Legbars, I've found, are not in the least aggressive, but they also aren't overly friendly (well, at least compared to the BLRW). They have a...
  15. corvidae


    I have some--a few BLRW Blacks and some cream legbars. We've kind of lost heart lately and I'm seriously thinking about downsizing even more. Thinking about getting rid of the remaining Isbars as well.
  16. corvidae


    Expedee (the cat) is apparently getting worse. The vet says he thinks he has SIRS but he isn't sure. He's spiking temps and they don't know why since the X-rays and ultrasound show no free fluid in the belly (no peritonitis). They are drawing another set of labs in a little while and if they...
  17. corvidae


    Ugh, the vet just called me again. Said the surgeon prefers to wait until the car is 36 hours out from the trauma before he will do surgery. He said it was to let the inflammation go down, but I am kind of wondering if it is more to see if the cat is even going to make it that long. :( And, of...
  18. corvidae


    I've decided we are having the animal month from hell. The boys woke me up this afternoon at 1 pm (went to bed at 8 this morning), freaking out because something was wrong with one of the cats. At first I was annoyed (and more than a little groggy), but once I saw the cat, it was clear there was...
  19. corvidae


    They are both girls--one adult and one juvenile, both Splash and pretty as can be.
  20. corvidae


    ...All things considered, we'll be selling them cheap if anyone wants any here (like 10 bucks cheap, maybe less). Unfortunately, I'm working **** near everyday for the next 2 weeks, so it will probably be that long before I can do the sorting (some of them are up in Duchesne). I'd have my...
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