
What a pleasure it was to meet Brian today.  He came and brought one my coops that I kept inside Cluckingham palace.  He also was able to see how I remodeled them for better access.  I also put him to work a bit helping Ed do some lifting that I was unable to do.  Does anyone on the list have any older pullets on the point of lay or year old hens they are weeding out.  it would be a really good start for him.  Of course he loved the Seramas.  who doesn't. 

I'm happy I got to meet you today. And thanks for all your help!! Its greatly appreciated! I love what you have done to cluckington palace. Its awesome. If you ever need help with anything at your place just call me. I'm not working right now so I have all the time in the world:)
Sundance, here are some pics of the chicks I hatched from your eggs!!!



From top to bottom: non frizzled girl (?), non frizzled boy, and frizzled girl. These are all EE's
So, the final death count on the Isbar/dog massacre is 2 survivors. I think that pretty much puts a halt to my Isbar flock. :(. I still have Bokbok and Bokbok jr as well as the 2 Roos up in Duchesne, but I think I've lost heart for the Isbar. We'll see in a few weeks if I change my mind, I guess.

On the Cream Legbar front, Ash has decided he ONLY wants the ones with poofy crests on them (hey, it's apparently a 6 year old's version of a breeding program,), so we are going to have some cream Legbar girls going up for sale as soon as I have time to sort them with him--about half of mine are crestless. All things considered, we'll be selling them cheap if anyone wants any here (like 10 bucks cheap, maybe less). Unfortunately, I'm working **** near everyday for the next 2 weeks, so it will probably be that long before I can do the sorting (some of them are up in Duchesne). I'd have my roommates do it, but for some reason, they can't tell a Legbar from a BLRW, despite having been around the chickens for several years. Oy.

I also have 4 BLRW's (BLACK variety) and one Splash Roo juvenile to give away free if anyone wants them. The Black all look like girls and they are between 8-12 weeks old. The Splash Roo is beautifully colored BUT he has a single comb, so I won't breed him (some folks will for the coloring and shape). If anyone wants any (again, free), let me know.
So, the final death count on the Isbar/dog massacre is 2 survivors. I think that pretty much puts a halt to my Isbar flock.
. I still have Bokbok and Bokbok jr as well as the 2 Roos up in Duchesne, but I think I've lost heart for the Isbar. We'll see in a few weeks if I change my mind, I guess.

On the Cream Legbar front, Ash has decided he ONLY wants the ones with poofy crests on them (hey, it's apparently a 6 year old's version of a breeding program,), so we are going to have some cream Legbar girls going up for sale as soon as I have time to sort them with him--about half of mine are crestless. All things considered, we'll be selling them cheap if anyone wants any here (like 10 bucks cheap, maybe less). Unfortunately, I'm working **** near everyday for the next 2 weeks, so it will probably be that long before I can do the sorting (some of them are up in Duchesne). I'd have my roommates do it, but for some reason, they can't tell a Legbar from a BLRW, despite having been around the chickens for several years. Oy.

I also have 4 BLRW's (BLACK variety) and one Splash Roo juvenile to give away free if anyone wants them. The Black all look like girls and they are between 8-12 weeks old. The Splash Roo is beautifully colored BUT he has a single comb, so I won't breed him (some folks will for the coloring and shape). If anyone wants any (again, free), let me know.

I am so sorry about the Isbars Are bok bok boys or girls.
Hello everyone!!!
Took out a moment to catch up and post pics!!
wow it sounds like you have a lot of predators! How can you make your hens go 'broody?' I'm hopefully getting some chicks or pullets with in the next few days. The coop I just purchased was WAY smaller then what the said it was, I was kind of forced to get a second bigger coop. I was a little upset at first but I eventually wanted a bigger one so it worked out.
Yes Brian, a lot of predators!!
Just saw an Osprey today hunting the Strawberry river which runs one property in front of us.

Hey, sometimes it's nice to have more than one coop.

On here somewhere you asked how to make a hen go broody.... I have Buff Orpingtons and Black Australorps that are notorious for being broody. I have 3 hens that are constantly broody when allowed the chance.

Desert, you are welcome to Sissy if you want her. Let me know if you change your mind about the boys. They are currently slated to be dinner. I may keep a rooster with my layers, but it seems that if anything I should keep a spare of one of the boys that I am keeping the breed for. Still making up my mind.

I also have the houdan girls if anyone wants them. I have my favorite girl that I am probably keeping, but if someone were to want all three...

Off to the chores and garden!
I would love her!!!
I really don't need the boys since I'm rounding out my breeding program on the AMs and sounds like they are the same blood as some of the hens I have. Bad for them, it just wouldn't work.....(sorry boys!!

Please PM me and we'll work out details. Thanks!!!

These are some pictures from last year of the coop we build. This is the expensive one. Very cute and will remain the coop for our layers. Out of six nest boxes, the girls use one. I thought I had one of the new one also, but it is on my cell phone.
*this is also before we put the roofing material on.
**our house is in these colors, so the coop actually matches our house.
Awesome coop!!!! If I lived in the city my coops would have to be fancy like the ones I see on here.

So, the final death count on the Isbar/dog massacre is 2 survivors. I think that pretty much puts a halt to my Isbar flock.
. I still have Bokbok and Bokbok jr as well as the 2 Roos up in Duchesne, but I think I've lost heart for the Isbar. We'll see in a few weeks if I change my mind, I guess.

On the Cream Legbar front, Ash has decided he ONLY wants the ones with poofy crests on them (hey, it's apparently a 6 year old's version of a breeding program,), so we are going to have some cream Legbar girls going up for sale as soon as I have time to sort them with him--about half of mine are crestless. All things considered, we'll be selling them cheap if anyone wants any here (like 10 bucks cheap, maybe less). Unfortunately, I'm working **** near everyday for the next 2 weeks, so it will probably be that long before I can do the sorting (some of them are up in Duchesne). I'd have my roommates do it, but for some reason, they can't tell a Legbar from a BLRW, despite having been around the chickens for several years. Oy.

I also have 4 BLRW's (BLACK variety) and one Splash Roo juvenile to give away free if anyone wants them. The Black all look like girls and they are between 8-12 weeks old. The Splash Roo is beautifully colored BUT he has a single comb, so I won't breed him (some folks will for the coloring and shape). If anyone wants any (again, free), let me know.
Oh, I am feeling so bad for your loss!!
I don't know what I'd do if something like that happened to my babies.

I'm interested in your Legbar girls!!!!
I am in Duchesne..... please PM me and we'll chat. Thanks!!

My Delawares are hatching now. The EE and mixes next Wed.
YAY!!!! Congrats!!!
So I gave my hens game bird pellets with 26% protein instead of their usual layer mash... and guess what!!! The last week one of the hens has been laying nothing but very strange and wrinkled golf ball shaped eggs! And they started looking worse! (I don't think they were eating too much). Let's just say it was an interesting experiment and now we're to phase two... an addition to the coop to give them more run space...

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