
I have to tell everyone what a gem Brian is. He came and stayed most of the day with a cleaning crew I hired. He planted trees, roses, washed dishes cleaned cupboards He even climbed on the roof to take a measurement for my new solar system. Was just a doll. I am so glad to have met him. He has such a nice smile and engaging personality

I know what you mean Diana. He told me that he was going to help you. I could tell by our just meeting that he is a very nice young man. Very easy to talk to. That's a good thing for me, as most of you know~! lol...He's babying my girls that he got from me. I am so glad they went to him. I love placing my girls to folks on here. We are chicken lovin folks!
Now I'm jealous... I could use someone to come over and build me another fence for the other side yard for the girls. LOL Plus I still need to build my shipping crate coop. And I could use the lawn to get mowed, the planter to get weeded out, and someone to watch my kids all day. Just Kidding Brian!

Glad your up helping Diana! Good Job!
Desert, that egg is trippy! It looks more like a cookie! What are ya feedin' them guineas, anyway?

Lil, so sorry to hear about your grandma. I hope you get the chance to talk to her before she needs to go

Brian, you remind me of my cousin!
It's so fun to meet people on here. I have met so many wonderful chicken people.

Donna, I'm glad to hear that your kitty is back home and getting spoiled. Poor little guy.

Sundance, I know you are active and independent, but please moderate yourself in your activities, okay? I don't want you back in the hospital, either
And I still need to come by at some point and see you. I've got these two carriers of yours and your stuff from Chickenstock
I promise I'm not trying to blow you off.

Welcome, newbies!

My girls have a twisted sense of humor. I only have three layers that don't regularly hide their eggs from me somewhere in the yard. Most of the other girls like to hide them in our ivy, or else in Chelsea's new spot, I assume (which I still haven't found) And I have a couple that seem to think it's funny to donate eggs to my broody SLW and broody turkey. Yeah, the ones under the turkey are especially fun to collect. Anyone got a suit of armor?

Should have baby turkeys in about three days
I think my grandpa is way more excited than me. He's counting down the days and really wants to see them when they hatch. He and my grandma were over for dinner on monday, and since we were out on the patio, he kept feeding the chickens under the table, despite my grandma's protests.
so glad keep him quiet and fed. Did they suggest fluids?
They didn't, actually, but I am making sure he stays hydrated with water via syringe. He actually ate a little food from my hand before I left for work (after we'd syringe fed him for a bit), so I am taking that as a good sign. He also has peed. He seems pretty comforted by one of us sitting next to him quietly, so Zach has been planting himself nearby reading.
Thats about $5.00 less then i paid at Riverton IFA. Oh ya, a little goes a LONG WAY, and make sure you wear a mask. I use a bandana.
Is it safe to use in the coop then with the girls, from what I read they like to dust themselves in it, thought I would try out the deep litter method since I'm fully changing out a 6 by 4 foot coop every week with the shavings, it could really cut back on the shavings. Plus I'm wanting to build that additional coop, that if I make it the way I want to, it will be 7 feet by 3 feet, so I will go through a lot of shavings. lol
They didn't, actually, but I am making sure he stays hydrated with water via syringe. He actually ate a little food from my hand before I left for work (after we'd syringe fed him for a bit), so I am taking that as a good sign. He also has peed. He seems pretty comforted by one of us sitting next to him quietly, so Zach has been planting himself nearby reading.
He will be just fine. I think Cats are such babies and they take forever to recover, its like they expect to be babied. All my dogs always bounce back and want to do things they are not allowed to do. A few years back our stupid cat jumped up on our 80 gallon fish tank and it shattered, she diced open her whole stomach, and both her back legs. Of course she did stay overnight for IV pain meds after getting stapled and stitched back up, but I swear she laid on the couch like the princess for about 3 weeks. She would literally cry to be picked up and carried to the litter box, and to be fed. She would give you this look like, Your actually going to make me stand up to eat and drink my food.

I'm glad he is home. He will be back on his feet before you know it.
Is anyone looking for a cute little Bantam BSL roo. He will look like a barred but really small and a not so loud crow. Free.

This one will also be up for sale. No sex yet. It looks like it will be a little blue silkie.

And this one is just for fun and not for sale. Thanks for the little frizzle Sundance!! Hope she stays a she.

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They are so dang cute!

I'm hoping it will be warm enough tomorrow to put the Silkies outside for a few hours in the grow out pen. I will have to get some good photos outside in the sunlight so you can see the babies. They are so dang cute, I love them.
Oh my, I can not keep up with you folks! I'm worried about two of my girls. One of them has a patch on her back, right in front of her tail, where the feathers are gone. It was bloody the day they were all missing, then it got to almost completely healed and suddenl. OIt was bloody again. That's been happening all week. I just assumed it was pecking order stuff, but now I've noticed another of my girls is starting to get a similar thing going on. Hers isn't an where near as bloody, but there is just a little blood and a patch of missing feathers. I've checked them out and don't see any signs of mites, but honestly I have no idea what I'd be looking for so I could have missed it. My other two girls look and act completely normal, no missing feathers thay I've noticed at all. Should I be worried? And if so, what should I look for or do?

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