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  1. redstars

    Redstarss Page

    When I was small we had chickens. Now that I'm all grown up (Or so they say) I finally have my own. Everyone thought I was crazy but They all want eggs! Who's crazy now? For my first girls I went with Redstar Hens They said that they would be friendly and easy to handle and so far they were...
  2. redstars

    Found chicks today what should i do?

    Thanks everyone for the wide view of advice. I would not have even thought about half the things that were brought up on this subject. I just wanted to know what to do for their well being. I have decided to let them be. figuring momma knows best. So far so good I have only found one that did...
  3. redstars

    Found chicks today what should i do?

    Hi everyone, I went out this morning and found one of my Neighbours hens with 13 chicks she had hatched behind my coop.Their chickens are always in my yard hanging around my girls they never feed or lock up their birds they kinda just let them be. The question I have is should I try to catch the...
  4. redstars

    Will chickens keep the deer away?

    No It won't bother the deer at all I have deer tracks all around my coop and run
  5. redstars

    Baby Eagle cam This is cool has anyone seen this yet?
  6. redstars

    wall feeder

    I just used a section of rain gutter I had leftover with a end on each side attached to the wall. It works just fine and best of all it was free.
  7. redstars

    latest training casualty... Add A caption!!!!!

    Comon Man!!! Stay With Me! Medic! Somebody Get Me A Medic!!!!
  8. redstars

    Stupid things people say...

    Try This. I'll need two dozen of eggs a week..... Pay? No I don't want to pay.... Arn't they free?
  9. redstars

    Really upset... someone reported me.

    Face book has a way of turing something good into something bad. Unfortunately you have to think about every word or statement one posts on FB before doing so. We had a Teacher in this area post that she was not looking forward to teaching this year because the kids were so rude in her school...
  10. redstars

    molting question

    Do you notice any feathers laying around the coop or area they are in? My girls also have bare butts. What I notice is when they bend to eat another one will come from behind and peck a feather out of that one. It's a bad habit I wish I could break them of.
  11. redstars

    Egg thieves

    A simple sign on the coop door saying smile your on camera would probably get the egg count back where it belongs. I recently had a similar problem and a padlock worked for me.
  12. redstars

    Thinking of raising chickens

    The only bad part of owning chickens is they are addictive and should have a warning on them somewhere.......
  13. redstars


    Quote: Ya it is nice to see the ground again I thought i was gonna hafta shovel off my garden to plant this year. The hawks are the reason I have waited so long to freerange. But like you said I will only let them out when I'm with them.
  14. redstars


    I finally got the guts to let them out today.All in all it went well I didn't think they would go back in but they did all on their own.It was fun watching them explore their new world.
  15. redstars

    If you won a million $ lottery, what would you buy for yourself?

    I would open a top notch feed store.
  16. redstars

    Freerange Question

    Is it as simple as opening the gate? Will they come back too roost? Also for the first time should I let them out at the end of the day or will that not matter Thanks.
  17. redstars

    Anybody Kill Any Deer Lateley?

    Impis If you eat meat of any kind your argument is on deaf ears to most hunters. When you start eating just veggies and roots come back and drive your point home. until then it ( your argument) holds absolutely no water its full of holes. Have a nice day. Oh ya 2 more for sausage today.
  18. redstars

    Anybody Kill Any Deer Lateley?

    Quote: YES, and they are even more beautiful right next to the biscuit and mashed potatoes! x2 MMMMM Yummy! Going out at 5 am hope to get another. Nothing like harvesting your own meat.
  19. redstars

    Anybody Kill Any Deer Lateley?

    2 Down 2 to go. I love making sausage!
  20. redstars

    To all you gun hunters out there......

    We have to wait till the 29th for our gun season I'm gettin an itchy finger
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