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  1. SouthernParadise

    BLR Wyandotte 7 weeks

    I purchased 5 blr Wyandotte chicks from a local farmer. I’m not expecting them to be show quality or anything, but these chicks have me scratching my head. Are they pure wyandottes or mixes? And do I have mostly cockerels here? They all spar with each other but two have a clearly pinker comb...
  2. SouthernParadise

    Is this grey egg the result of a heavy bloom?

    A little help would be much appreciated. This year I bred F2 generation olive egger hens to a cream legbar rooster. Out of 25 hens I hatched out, 15 are avocado green egg layers. And I have several that are laying what appear to be dark grey to almost grey purple color. Is this the result of an...
  3. SouthernParadise

    Best Feathered Friends

    Since my peachick Rajah hatched, he/she has had a chick (chicken little) glued to his/her side. They grew together. They’re both 7 weeks old. I know things like this have happened before, but I found it hilarious the way they sleep. I bring them in at night and chicken little always sleeps with...
  4. SouthernParadise

    Cimuka CT60-SH Cabinet incubator

    Anyone have this incubator? I just purchased one and I’d like to hear from someone with first hand knowledge if there are any little quirks I should know about. Anyone hatch peacock eggs in one? What are your hatch rates overall for any kind of egg? Anyone use the APC feature and if so did it...
  5. SouthernParadise

    Peach Peachick?

    Does anyone have pics of a peach peachick at around a week or two old? I hatched out a peachick that is stumping me on color. Pale cream on the flights and shoulder feathers. Father is either a purple BS or Purple Pied White-eyed split Black Shoulder and mother is one of these four…Purple Pied...
  6. SouthernParadise

    Hello…New Member here from the Peach State

    Hey y’all. Just wanted to say a quick hello and introduce myself. I live in Georgia. I Have a hobby farm consisting of horses, chickens, turkeys, and peafowl. I’m not new to chickens and turkeys, but I’m quite new to peafowl and I’m hoping to meet local peafowl keepers as well as read up on a...
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