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  1. LBKS

    April Hatch Thread--Come Join Us!

    Well, looks like this second hatch will be a bust too, only one egg looks viable right now at lock down. That'll bring me up to a grand total of 3 chicks of 48 eggs from that seller if it hatches. Not sure yet which variable is the issue (seller, weather, incubation, time-since-lay) but I'll...
  2. LBKS

    April Hatch Thread--Come Join Us!

    Lost chick #3 sometime over night between midnight check and now. He was on his back in a warm area, not sure what happened. Had been eating and drank a few times, even was pooing. Not even an internal peep from the eggs on Day 22 so I wonder If the two out may be the only survivors from...
  3. LBKS

    April Hatch Thread--Come Join Us!

  4. LBKS

    April Hatch Thread--Come Join Us!

    Whew, the weak chick is all perked up after a stint in incubator ICU box, even managed to jump out of it to go cuddle with the third chick who is still drying off. Added a second heat source to the brooder and did the water introduction with the weak chick again since I had not yet seen it...
  5. LBKS

    April Hatch Thread--Come Join Us!

    I woke up to one chick in th brooder on it's back and weak - felt cool but was breathing. Now in an ICU box in the hatcher/incubator. Using an ecoglow but the other chick was fine - going to shrink the area they can explore to keep them closer to warmth and add in a light based heat lamp too...
  6. LBKS

    April Hatch Thread--Come Join Us!

    He couldn't get enough leverage with the way he was positioned, and the shell he could still reach to peck at was dried to the membrane and harder to break. Once I broke off the dried shell portion he just pushed one more time and nearly fell out of my hands. Most of the shell that was left...
  7. LBKS

    April Hatch Thread--Come Join Us!

    Got 'em out and is resting, seems to be doing fine now.
  8. LBKS

    April Hatch Thread--Come Join Us!

    That's a good point. I am using an incubator with a fan which is why I worried about the drying to the membrane. I just worry about being too quick to try and help and then make things worse somehow. I may just check in an hour and reconsider then - especially if it looks tired out.
  9. LBKS

    April Hatch Thread--Come Join Us!

    It looks like it might be a combo of drying membrane and bad position - the chick keeps trying to push out but doesn't seem to get anywhere. I'm going to add a second sponge to up the humidity even more and then wait. If it doesn't make progress tomorrow I'll qtip it. Poor chick though, having...
  10. LBKS

    April Hatch Thread--Come Join Us!

    Chick #3 who was working on zipping this morning hasn't made much progress. Hoping it won't need an assist out - slightly worried I may have caused it by taking out the dry chicks when I swapped sponges.
  11. LBKS

    April Hatch Thread--Come Join Us!

    May as well keep them all in - you could be surprised. There is always the chance that it wasn't that high that long or the thermometer wasn't reading right. If you still have a few moving you may well have more survivors.
  12. LBKS

    April Hatch Thread--Come Join Us!

    Wish I had experience enough to give you advize, Keggen. Good luck though, I'm sure someone will chime in soon with something useful :)
  13. LBKS

    April Hatch Thread--Come Join Us!

    Good morning everyone! Still waiting on #3 of 13 eggs to finish zipping. Not a peep out of the other eggs, but Day 21 is tomorrow so no rush. Moved the two fluffed out chicks to the brooder, so now I can worry over "did I get the brooder right? What if they aren't warm enough?" Type questions...
  14. LBKS

    April Hatch Thread--Come Join Us!

    Came home to a second chick out - brown. Leghorn. And an Acona that has pipped. Leghorn needs to dry then both chicks will move to the brooder.
  15. LBKS

    April Hatch Thread--Come Join Us!

    The only advice I can add is that you want to make sure you can hold your humidity at the start of lockdown before any pips - had it drop to 30 percent but thankfully no one had cracked shell yet and I was able to fix the issue. Better to find it out early than later - if I did it again that...
  16. LBKS

    April Hatch Thread--Come Join Us!

    Say hello to the Blue Orphington named "Dr Peeper" :D
  17. LBKS

    April Hatch Thread--Come Join Us!

    Let's see if the picture attached - chick is out but still is attached to half the egg shell by it's cord. Not sure if that is normal or not, guy is trying to shake it off.
  18. LBKS

    April Hatch Thread--Come Join Us!

    I guess this is the worst part of waiting. Maybe I should work from the office so I don't stare a hole through the eggshells! Still seems to be zipping really vertical, wonder if the poor peep will get worn out too fast? :/
  19. LBKS

    April Hatch Thread--Come Join Us!

    Somehow double posted, sorry.
  20. LBKS

    April Hatch Thread--Come Join Us!

    The first pipper is the sole blue orphington to make it to lockdown. It appears to be zipping a fair bit vertically rather than around the top so far. Not doing anything by halves, this one. Pip early, pip the long way, then will probably tell the chicks hatching later how back in it's day...
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