April Hatch Thread--Come Join Us!

Hi guys,

I have yet another question.....so I just paid a giant jar or apple butter and 15 egg cartons for a broody hen to sit on my other eggs, but when we moved her she stopped brooding! I gave her a comfy nest box with her eggs, lots of bedding, and warm, thick walls. She sleeps in it at night with her wings spread out over the eggs, but today(her first day in the enclosure) she was up and about the whole day, trying to find a place to escape. Is there anything I can do to encourage her to settle in and sit on the eggs? Please, please reply


Edited for spelling

That is a common reaction when you move a broody. They brood in what they perceive to be a safe spot and when that spot changes, they often abandon the new area and get stressed out.
Well, woke up to 2 more, which appear to be a blue cochin and another buff rock. Grand total of 5 so far. I do believe there will be a few more today, even though it is day 22-23.

Had to throw one egg out as it suddenly developed a green splotch on it. Upon ectopsy it was revealed that it had not developed past the first few days. So hard to tell with these darker brown eggs. Just glad I found it before it exploded. It didn't smell at all, just suddenly looked really ugly.

On a side note, my oldest son told my daughter yesterday that they need to do an intervention. On ME! I calmly explained that just because 5 months ago I had never even HEARD of raising chickens in the city and now have ...

  • 2 laying hens
  • 7 point-of lay-any-minute-now pullets
  • 6 five week olds in the big brooder (I didn't even know what a brooder WAS 6 months ago!)
  • 5 newborn hatched chicks
  • 21 eggs in lockdown
  • 48 eggs set in another incubator
  • and 2 dozen eggs waiting for incubator space to open up

... doesn't mean I have an addiction. It just means I have a hobby for the first time in my life that I actually ENJOY!

My daughter is on MY side and my son doesn't exactly reject the eggs I give him! Besides the grandkids LOVE LOVE LOVE the chickens! Okay, done venting and back to egg watch.

That's great. Have your son learn how to take the extra roos to freezer camp and once he gets a taste of "home cooking" , he will be your biggest advocate!!!!
That's great. Have your son learn how to take the extra roos to freezer camp and once he gets a taste of "home cooking" , he will be your biggest advocate!!!!
Actually, my daughter tells me that he was under the impression I am opposed to sending them to freezer camp, but she told him she thought I was okay with that. He's my serious son, so anything a little bit quirky he just does not understand. He'll come around eventually. Besides, he loves it when his Mommy cooks for him, even if he is thirty something. Homemade chicken and dumplings or his favorite chicken enchiladas will win him over!
Day 21-I hear peeping in the incubator, but nothing yet. The six chicks that survived yesterday are doing great! :fl on the 18 eggs left....
Oddly enough, I've never had more than 6 chicks hatch at one time in the seven years of owning chickens. Maybe I'm cursed. :confused:
Day 21-I hear peeping in the incubator, but nothing yet. The six chicks that survived yesterday are doing great!
on the 18 eggs left....
Oddly enough, I've never had more than 6 chicks hatch at one time in the seven years of owning chickens. Maybe I'm cursed.
Keeping fingers crossed for you! I hatched out 5 so far over the last 2 days. 13 more in there. Still movement so keeping my fingers crossed for myself too!

And no, you're not cursed. You are blessed. We are blessed. As I was watching a chick hatch yesterday with my daughter and son in law (missionaries to Czech Republic), my SIL asked how the whole thing works and I explained about air cell and yolk and internal pipping and external pipping and etc. I then said, "Seriously, how can anybody think this is all an ACCIDENT? There is no better explanation that God created this world than the revelation of what is happening before our eyes today. This is not an ACCIDENT."

My Sonny In Law then said with his usual wry smile, "Those chicks do however look like velociraptors."
I have found that it is extremely beneficial to move the nesting material she was sitting on to begin with. And also move her at night. You may have done this. But just giving my 2 cents.
Oh wow. I did the exact opposite.......
Did you try making her nest. Darker and quiet? Did you ask how long she had been broody?
It's pretty dark but it's right next to my other coop. She doesn't seem to get bothered by it. I have no idea how long she has been broody.
Day 21-I hear peeping in the incubator, but nothing yet. The six chicks that survived yesterday are doing great! :fl on the 18 eggs left....

Oddly enough, I've never had more than 6 chicks hatch at one time in the seven years of owning chickens. Maybe I'm cursed. :confused:

Keeping fingers crossed for you! I hatched out 5 so far over the last 2 days. 13 more in there. Still movement so keeping my fingers crossed for myself too!

And no, you're not cursed. You are blessed. We are blessed. As I was watching a chick hatch yesterday with my daughter and son in law (missionaries to Czech Republic), my SIL asked how the whole thing works and I explained about air cell and yolk and internal pipping and external pipping and etc. I then said, "Seriously, how can anybody think this is all an ACCIDENT? There is no better explanation that God created this world than the revelation of what is happening before our eyes today. This is not an ACCIDENT."

My Sonny In Law then said with his usual wry smile, "Those chicks do however look like velociraptors."

I agree 100% with that line of thinking! Seeing how what's at first a little dot in an egg becomes a living, breathing, chatty animal with its own personality is one of many proofs I have for God. Watching a chick hatch is a deeply religious experience! Even down to the smallest atom, the universe is fearfully and wonderfully made! :weee
Ha! I feel less cursed now! :lol:

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