April Hatch Thread--Come Join Us!

I agree 100% with that line of thinking! Seeing how what's at first a little dot in an egg becomes a living, breathing, chatty animal with its own personality is one of many proofs I have for God. Watching a chick hatch is a deeply religious experience! Even down to the smallest atom, the universe is fearfully and wonderfully made!

Ha! I feel less cursed now!
Glad I could help, Ma'am!
Well, woke up to 2 more, which appear to be a blue cochin and another buff rock. Grand total of 5 so far. I do believe there will be a few more today, even though it is day 22-23.

Had to throw one egg out as it suddenly developed a green splotch on it. Upon ectopsy it was revealed that it had not developed past the first few days. So hard to tell with these darker brown eggs. Just glad I found it before it exploded. It didn't smell at all, just suddenly looked really ugly.

On a side note, my oldest son told my daughter yesterday that they need to do an intervention. On ME! I calmly explained that just because 5 months ago I had never even HEARD of raising chickens in the city and now have ...

  • 2 laying hens
  • 7 point-of lay-any-minute-now pullets
  • 6 five week olds in the big brooder (I didn't even know what a brooder WAS 6 months ago!)
  • 5 newborn hatched chicks
  • 21 eggs in lockdown
  • 48 eggs set in another incubator
  • and 2 dozen eggs waiting for incubator space to open up

 ... doesn't mean I have an addiction. It just means I have a hobby for the first time in my life that I actually ENJOY!

My daughter is on MY side and my son doesn't exactly reject the eggs I give him! Besides the grandkids LOVE LOVE LOVE the chickens! Okay, done venting and back to egg watch.

Amen! It's a HEALTHY hobby. No intervention needed... Wish more people (in general) would be more supportive of healthy hobbies and if they can't, at least not suck the joy out of it for the rest of us. Just let us have our joy. I love this quote, "The more you love your decisions, the less you need others to love them.". I don't know who said it, but it has stuck with me. I have tried to make it my motto so that unsupportive comments roll off. My friends and extended family don't have to understand my love of raising chickens, but it is important to me and brings me great joy so if they love me and want me to be happy then they should be as supportive of my happiness as they are able. Instead of poking at my hobby, they should find their own so they have less time to think/speak ill of mine.

Sorry for the rant but this subject hits home for me. Can you tell? Lol

Keeping fingers crossed for you! I hatched out 5 so far over the last 2 days. 13 more in there. Still movement so keeping my fingers crossed for myself too!

And no, you're not cursed. You are blessed. We are blessed. As I was watching a chick hatch yesterday with my daughter and son in law (missionaries to Czech Republic), my SIL asked how the whole thing works and I explained about air cell and yolk and internal pipping and external pipping and etc. I then said, "Seriously, how can anybody think this is all an ACCIDENT? There is no better explanation that God created this world than the revelation of what is happening before our eyes today. This is not an ACCIDENT."

My Sonny In Law then said with his usual wry smile, "Those chicks do however look like velociraptors."

LOVE this whole post! :)

My fluffy butts (silkies) that finished hatching yesterday. 16 in all. I kept 4 and someone who came for hatching eggs bought all 12 others the instant they saw them. :)
Keeping fingers crossed for you! I hatched out 5 so far over the last 2 days. 13 more in there. Still movement so keeping my fingers crossed for myself too!

And no, you're not cursed. You are blessed. We are blessed. As I was watching a chick hatch yesterday with my daughter and son in law (missionaries to Czech Republic), my SIL asked how the whole thing works and I explained about air cell and yolk and internal pipping and external pipping and etc. I then said, "Seriously, how can anybody think this is all an ACCIDENT? There is no better explanation that God created this world than the revelation of what is happening before our eyes today. This is not an ACCIDENT."

My Sonny In Law then said with his usual wry smile, "Those chicks do however look like velociraptors."

Are you sure you didn't get your velociraptor eggs from the same place that shipped my impending lizard hatch??????
- Were they by any chance BLUE??????

Well it's my turn!!
its lockdown. Just doing last checks on the hatcherbator and fingers crossed all goes well.

What did you do before lockdown - any tips????? I am for Lockdown Monday so am a bit worried right now as I lost a lot of chicks through shrink wrap last time I tried. This time new bator and it is all a bit idiot proof? - Guess that means I won't be touching it much!
Anyhow someone had paper cupcake cases round their eggs I was thinking is this a good idea and should I go get some paper muffin cases - ( Also if they really are lizards - they may eat eachother so I might need to seperate them? -

What did you do before lockdown - any tips????? I am for Lockdown Monday so am a bit worried right now as I lost a lot of chicks through shrink wrap last time I tried. This time new bator and it is all a bit idiot proof? - Guess that means I won't be touching it much! :gig Anyhow someone had paper cupcake cases round their eggs I was thinking is this a good idea and should I go get some paper muffin cases - ( Also if they really are lizards - they may eat eachother so I might need to seperate them? - :lau )


The only advice I can add is that you want to make sure you can hold your humidity at the start of lockdown before any pips - had it drop to 30 percent but thankfully no one had cracked shell yet and I was able to fix the issue. Better to find it out early than later - if I did it again that would be part of my incubator warm up test!
Welp, I ended up with 7 BLRW, 13 EE(one died several hours after hatching though, so 12), 7 mixed layers, and 6 longtails.
Going to clean the Hatcher out and more go to lockdown tomorrow afternoon!

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