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  1. RedwoodCoastChick

    Witchcraft thread

    Wow, this is wonderful!!! Thank you for sharing it, I'll be looking into their music.
  2. RedwoodCoastChick

    Witchcraft thread

    I was truly delighted when I hit menopause at 50! No more mess, cramps, etc. and I was blessed with an easy transition - no mood swings, hot flashes, any of that. Everything just slowed down then stopped. (My husband breathed a sigh of relief -- his mom was pretty difficult to live with while...
  3. RedwoodCoastChick

    Witchcraft thread

    Smokin' Skulls! Too late to do their health any harm... 🤣 What a fun, creative project, nicely done!
  4. RedwoodCoastChick

    Witchcraft thread

    We have the ofrenda, altar with photos of our dear departed (people & pets), flowers and fall leaves/seed pods/cones, etc. and items they enjoyed during their earthtime - food, drink, pet toys, etc., mixed in with Halloween decorations and lots of candles. Before we moved to the country, we...
  5. RedwoodCoastChick

    Witchcraft thread

    I dunno...I've gotten totally lost for hours exploring in IKEA, noshing on their Swedish meatballs and everything lingonberry! Bought our girls' "kid furniture" there along with some nice dressers & nightstands, lots of other useful stuff. The one in Burbank, California where my daughter's...
  6. RedwoodCoastChick

    Witchcraft thread

    I'll be setting up our combined Samhain and Dia de los Muertos altar toward the end of the month, very much about remembrance and connecting/honoring our dear departed and ancestors. My husband isn't pagan but his Mom's side of the family is Mexican/Californio so we combine our celebrations for...
  7. RedwoodCoastChick

    Witchcraft thread

    You're thinking of its non-psychoactive and extremely useful cousin hemp, I believe. Hemp is great for rope, cloth, food, building materials, etc. Cannabis was commonly used for medicine as well as enjoyment up until the 20th century; Queen Victoria smoked it to treat her menstrual cramps. It...
  8. RedwoodCoastChick

    Witchcraft thread

    Yes and no... Some of us pagans embrace the Triple Goddess in her aspects as Maiden, Mother and Crone [Wise Woman, no ageist connotation]. I'm well into my Crone phase...😁
  9. RedwoodCoastChick

    Witchcraft thread

    It's the "networking" aspect of a subculture that has needed to be fairly secretive in a lot of places - not so much since social media made it so much easier & less risky to connect and share and discuss all this on a fairly global scale!
  10. RedwoodCoastChick

    Witchcraft thread

    Jews, Christians, Muslims, all "people of the Book" who share much of their foundational beliefs and history up until Jesus and Mohammad. I only wish there was more tolerance and acceptance between and among them, let alone for the rest of us who aren't monotheists or agnostic/atheist. I have...
  11. RedwoodCoastChick

    Witchcraft thread

    Well said! Many pagan practitioners do not identify as witches at all. I didn't until I got into spellwork or as my (non-pagan) husband fondly teases me, "You gonna work some roots on that?" Crafting spells is fascinating, so many ways to go about it, so many different traditions. And...
  12. RedwoodCoastChick

    Witchcraft thread

    Another helpful classic, Scott Cunningham's "Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner". I've never been into covens or group work but do enjoy a good public ritual. Ellen Dugan's "Cottage Witch"/"Garden Witch" books are more current and female-oriented; she's a Missouri...
  13. RedwoodCoastChick

    Witchcraft thread

    😄 😆 😂 As a pagan for the last 18 years, I have to say this comment is spot on! :lau
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