Witchcraft thread

The crystals never change they all serve their purpose for what they are attributed to. Crow picture is for Samhain. The sigil I change for what I need them to help with at the given time aside from my Lilith sigil she never leaves. The color corresponding candles I have in case of spell work I just got those I haven't had a quiet moment to use them yet. My sage obviously gets burnt almost daily as well as a nag champa incense tho my fiance would prefer the hippie scent not be daily 🤣
So does anyone have any special Samhain traditions
We have the ofrenda, altar with photos of our dear departed (people & pets), flowers and fall leaves/seed pods/cones, etc. and items they enjoyed during their earthtime - food, drink, pet toys, etc., mixed in with Halloween decorations and lots of candles.

Before we moved to the country, we decorated the house like crazy inside & out, hosted a big Halloween party for family & friends and wore costumes to greet the little trick-or-treaters. (Most of the family didn't recognize the pagan elements woven into the decor.)

Way too dark & rural for trick-or-treaters out here now, but we do put an elaborate Halloween display at the roadside end of our long gravel driveway. And we watch old favorite movies: "Coco" being a top favorite (Dia de los Muertos themed), "The Green Man" (Albert Finney), "Sleepy Hollow", etc.

And privately, I spend time meditating and communing with my departed love ones across the veil by silent candlelight at the ofrenda, sharing memories and asking their guidance and protection in the year ahead.
Cake update. Candles in mouths because that's the only way we could put them on.

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