Witchcraft thread

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. Basically, you're allergic to most of the modern world
Oh, that’s me! No testing of chemicals yet though, just plants and animals. My allergist got frustrated with me when she told me to give up gardening and get rid of my dogs and I said absolutely NOT going to happen; she never followed through with the chemical tests and it’s not fun for me to be off antihistamines for long anyway. I have chronic hives, contact dermatitis and eczema in addition to other allergies, so I wear gloves when I clean and do dishes. We also had to install a water filter on our shower.
Except for Muslims.
Jews, Christians, Muslims, all "people of the Book" who share much of their foundational beliefs and history up until Jesus and Mohammad. I only wish there was more tolerance and acceptance between and among them, let alone for the rest of us who aren't monotheists or agnostic/atheist. I have found that the pagans I've met generally have a "live & let live" attitude toward other beliefs. The world would be a lot more peaceful if humans would do that (sigh).
I wouldn't have met these people if it wasnt for nanne :)

i dont think witches my age typically exist here though
It's the "networking" aspect of a subculture that has needed to be fairly secretive in a lot of places - not so much since social media made it so much easier & less risky to connect and share and discuss all this on a fairly global scale!
Jews, Christians, Muslims, all "people of the Book" who share much of their foundational beliefs and history up until Jesus and Mohammad. I only wish there was more tolerance and acceptance between and among them, let alone for the rest of us who aren't monotheists or agnostic/atheist. I have found that the pagans I've met generally have a "live & let live" attitude toward other beliefs. The world would be a lot more peaceful if humans would do that (sigh).
Exactly. We can all get along, if we want. We just chose not to.
Oh, that’s me! No testing of chemicals yet though, just plants and animals. My allergist got frustrated with me when she told me to give up gardening and get rid of my dogs and I said absolutely NOT going to happen; she never followed through with the chemical tests and it’s not fun for me to be off antihistamines for long anyway. I have chronic hives, contact dermatitis and eczema in addition to other allergies, so I wear gloves when I clean and do dishes. We also had to install a water filter on our shower.
I'm in this boat as of last February. I have chronic hives now and we ... wait I mean I am trying to figure out what is causing them. I have observed one thing recently that's kinda scary. They ramp up and break through my meds when I'm on my cycle. This generally means I'm allergic to my own hormones. :th

Also all the answers to my previous post are very good! I go with this rule know thy self. Be self observant and aware of how your body works. If something is up check what you have recently eaten or been in contact with. Most people are not self aware enough to catch what has caused an issue. Also most aliments can be controlled with diet so plant and meat consumption play a much bigger roll in our health. We (my brother and my self) are trying to get away from processed stuff but we are lazy. We do good at it for a few weeks then something happens and we are short on time and it goes out the window. :th
Cannabis was banned because of something to do with rope, iirc. Like flax farmers or tobacco farmers wanted less competition
You're thinking of its non-psychoactive and extremely useful cousin hemp, I believe. Hemp is great for rope, cloth, food, building materials, etc. Cannabis was commonly used for medicine as well as enjoyment up until the 20th century; Queen Victoria smoked it to treat her menstrual cramps. It was banned back in the bad old "Reefer Madness" era when its use for recreation was spreading from "unsavory elements" like Black jazz musicians into "good" (read "white middle/upper class") citizens who encountered it while enjoying this new, exciting music and its culture. And of course the medical/pharma folks didn't want any home remedy competition so they falsely vilified it.
I think I might set up an alter this next week when I have time off work. I think it would just be a nice way of remembering
I'll be setting up our combined Samhain and Dia de los Muertos altar toward the end of the month, very much about remembrance and connecting/honoring our dear departed and ancestors. My husband isn't pagan but his Mom's side of the family is Mexican/Californio so we combine our celebrations for Oct. 31-Nov.2. Lots of photos and items they enjoyed when they were still with us (Aunt Mary's beloved Jim Beam whiskey, for example 🤣.) And we include passed pets as well.

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