Red Barred Plymouth Rock

Rhodebars are an autosexing breed as developed by Prof. Punnett & others. They made quite a few autosexing breeds at the time. The idea being that they breed true & the chicks have different coloured down at hatch. I believe they deveolped with the commercial poultry in mind, prior to the commercial hybrids.

One can make birds which are red all over & barred.

It is the same barring gene.
The color is the RIR color (red columbian) with barring.
Problem is that the extended black gene of standard plymouth rocks suppresses the columbian gene.
To get the color: Cross a RIR roo with plymouth rock hens.
Only the male offspring are barred. Cross these with RIR hens.
Then you can get some red barred.
Is this guy a Red Barred Rock, or a mutt of some kind?

He showed up this morning, I'm guessing he belongs to my nearest neighbor with chickens. If you look at his legs you can tell he's just a baby. I'm guessing he's about 6 months old. At some point I'll make the effort to find out who he belongs to and get him back home. For now he's got a private stall in the barn.

My girls weren't particularly impressed by him, but they were the only ones trying to send him packing -- Rooster Boy couldn't have cared less.


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