barred rock

  1. M

    Does my 5.5 week barred rock look like a pullet to you?

    I recently read that your favorite chick always ends up being a cockerel. Well just as soon as I decided she was my favorite, I also realized she is quite a bit larger than her other barred rock sister (and way friendlier) which makes me nervous!! I’d love to get your opinions.
  2. M

    Did Tractor Supply sell me me roos?!

    First time chicken owner here! I got 3 Barred Rock pullets from Tractor Supply. I got them 3 weeks ago. Based off the countless hours I’ve researched, I’m 100% sure the darkest one is a pullet, she’s smaller and very sweet with a dark leg wash. Her tail feathers came in first and she has the...
  3. J

    Age old question, barred rock pullet or cockerel?

    Hi everyone! This is Bagels, she is from a repeatable hatchery and should be a she…but I am concerned due to her patterning she is looking more like a He! 4 weeks old…too early to tell? She got her tail feathers VERY early but I don’t have any other BR’s to compare her too! THANK YOU! ☺️ I love...
  4. WaterfowlsPoultry

    Rocky: The rooster who loves killing hawks.. mating with hens.. and eating blueberries.

    This is the story of my Barred rock rooster, Rocky. We first got Rocky in 2023 of October, he was a very VERY small chicken, We had 2 ducks (margarito and patitas) before my Uncle just completely purchased 3 barred rock roosters and Brahma hen for some special deal he got (3 chickens get one...
  5. J

    No vent holes on chinese incubator

    I have a 35$ cheapo incubator for my first hatch, 10 out of 12 eggs have embryos and I'm on day 18. I've seen reviews of this one with fluffy chicks running around inside that also had ducks in the same batch so I think I'm good but there's no obvious ventilation. Unless the lip around the dome...
  6. montana_chicks

    Hmmm… things aren’t lining up. Barred Rock, Cuckoo Marans, or Dominique?

    Hello there chicken experts! I have three 5 week old chickens I’m unsure about and would love to hear your thoughts… Chickens #2 and #3 are supposed to be Cuckoo Marans (pullets)… or so they were labeled. I’m beginning to think they’re actually Dominiques. Their combs and leg color aren’t...
  7. NewJourney

    Guess the dad: Barred Rock or Black Australorp on Sapphire Gem hens

    I was "sure" that by the time we incubated fresh eggs that the old rooster DNA should be GONE from the hens' oviducts... Well, now that they've hatched, I'm questioning if that's the case. LOL Here are some pics of our hatched chicks. Please help me figure out if the dad was a Black Australorp...
  8. J

    New here

    I've googled and used info off this page so many times I figured I might as well join! I'm about a 10ish month chicken owner maybe less so far. Got eggs in an incubator already!
  9. Jimmy W

    Jimmy W

  10. E

    We thought Barred Rock…

    But it simply doesn’t look like it to me! I have two “barred rock” chicks, but as their feathers begin to lengthen I see only gray and white. This is our first time keeping chickens and everything is going well (so far … knock on wood?). These chicks are the sweetest and fall asleep in your...
  11. C

    Barred Rock Rooster and Leghorn Hen cross

    I wanted to show everyone pictures of my Lemon Swiss who is a cross from a Barred Rock Rooster and a Leghorn hen. she mostly looks like a leghorn but has some black patches. In my research I discovered they call them California whites sometimes.
  12. chickenmomma1108

    new/old chicken owner intro

    Hello BYC, thought I'd finally drop in and say "hello". 1. Yes, I'm new to raising chickens (got our first flock members in March of 2022), but old to raising chickens since my family & I did when I was a kid like 20 years ago. 2. We (husband & I) have 20 chickens right now. 2 roosters & 18...
  13. E

    Hen or roo? 10 week old Barred Rock!

    Bought her from our local farm supply store advertised as a pullet, she’s slightly bigger than our Astralorp (also 10 week old). Thoughts?
  14. SrirachaSpice

    Sick 1.5 year old hen help—what to do next?

    My lead hen who was sick a few months ago is acting odd again; I treated the flock with corid and VetRx back in September but for the past few weeks Salt has been slower, eating less, and while she can walk normally has lost her balance and fallen when we put her down from being held and when...
  15. S

    Help identify eggs?

    Can anyone post pictures of their barred rock eggs and of their bantam eggs we have a dark brauhma bantam and a porcelain that could be laying Trying to figure out if the brauhmas could be laying early by chance or if our barred rocks are just laying smaller and way lighter eggs compared to our...
  16. 2

    Definitely Not Important …

    Just a note. I have a Barred Rock and a Cuckoo Marans in my small flock. Everyone is 11 weeks old. I was calling the Cuckoo “Stumpy” because her tail is very short, always has been. The only differences between the two are the tail feathers and that Stumpy’s pattern has been more muted the...
  17. L

    Roos to a good home in Kentucky. (Barred Rock/Green Egger mix

    My hen just hatched 9 beautiful chicks. I know some will be roos and I already have three, one going to a nice home already. Their father is an absolute gentleman/gentle giant and their mother is a great layer. Mom and Dad both love 24/7 fallout radio. Message me if youre interested and I will...
  18. M

    BR hasn’t laid in two weeks??

    My 6 month old BR was laying about 4 eggs/week. She just started laying at the beginning of July despite the hot temperatures here in the dessert. (110+) I am currently feeding them scratch with oyster shell on the side. I have rooster booster in their water for the extra nutrition and...
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