barred rock

  1. Chikpeas

    Barred Rock...ish

    Just had to share the funny little anomaly that is Owl, our little Barred Plymouth Rock girl. When she was a chick, she had just a bit of fluff on both her legs that went away fairly quickly. But now, at 8 weeks, she has grown two little feathers on only one foot. It is the funniest looking...
  2. K


    Did I fall victim of a roo hiding in a pullet bin at tsc?? Lol This one isn't growing tail feathers yet like the others & has a bigger white stripe on wings. I got them a week ago tomorrow. Barred rock
  3. Imprezznu

    Barred Rock Cockerel or Pullet?

    My 2 Barred Rocks are about 8-10 weeks old and they look quite different. The first 4 pictures are Francis and the last 4 pictures are of Jet. I’m thinking Francis is a cockerel but the coloring is the same as Jet, so that’s really throwing me off. What do you think? Thank you!
  4. lafinestra66

    Barred Rock ~5 weeks old - male or female?

    Hi, everyone! Chicken newbie, here. Is Henrietta/Henry (?) a male or female? I purchased her from a local feed store sexed as a female Barred Plymouth Rock, hatchery stock. I believe she is around 4/5 weeks old. She is the only Barred Rock in my chicken crew, so I don't have a sibling to compare...
  5. W

    Draining fluid in abdomen?

    Hello, I hope you’re all having a good Monday! I’m going to try to explain this but I feel like I’m not going to do a very good job, so please bare with me. This morning when I went out to my coop, my chicken, who I presume has water belly, didn’t look very good. She’s definitely been getting...
  6. Chikpeas

    4 week chicks - Pullets?

    So I have three 4 week old chicks (exactly 28 days today), one barred rock (Owl), one sapphire gem (Cinder), and one buff orpington (Daisy). The orpington I'm not concerned about, as I'm about 99% certain she's a pullet. The barred rock I vacillated on for a while due to temperament and a more...
  7. K

    Is this a sex link?

    Hello! I recently bought barred rock chicks locally to add to my flock. My intentions are to breed them because barred rocks are my favorite and no one has them in my area. Anyway, now I’m worried that I may have quite a few sex links. But I don’t know much about them to say for sure! I have...
  8. Pcmandooo

    Olive egger/Rhode Island crossed to grey leghorn

    Last year we purchased a rooster that we thought was exceptionally beautiful and great attitude. He was the result of an Olive Egger rooster over a Rhode Island hen. He was thick in body, heavy feather with a short fat comb, thick legs. We then bred the rooster to our two grey leghorns, two...
  9. Holdthechicken

    Barred Rock Guess

    Hi All, this is my first time with BR chicks. I am wondering if one of them is a cockerel out of my two. The chick is not significantly more white but as it is growing, it is bigger and has had a bigger comb since day 1 and it miiiight be growing waddles but I am being a bit impatient, it's comb...
  10. J

    Hello fellow chicken tenders!

    Hello, 1st time chicken owner and loving it! I've read and researched so much and learned a lot from this page. We have 9 leghorns, 3 brown and 6 white they are (4-5 wks old)feisty and spunky. 6 Easter eggers that are the sweetest and have the chubby cheeks they are only (3 days old). 3 barred...
  11. K

    Six Day Old Chick- Lethargic, dying.

    Hi everyone- I know this is not the first post about a lethargic chick- but I can’t quite get an answer anywhere. My 6 day old barred rock chick (by characteristics I’ve sexed her as female) is likely not going to make it. This isn’t my first time raising chicks but I’ve changed just about...
  12. CindyK75

    Black Sex Link Pullet? Or what?

    I got 8 chicks Wednesday from a local feed store (Steinhausers) now this one is suppose to be a BSL pullet (Black Sex Link) in the first 4 pics but it's looking like the Barred rock chick I picked out. Do they have white around wing tips? White specks under eyes. No spot on head, not even a hint...
  13. CindyK75

    Did I get 2 Roo's again?

    I bought 8 chicks yesterday at a local feed store, was planned! I'm down to three 2 yrs old hens of my previous 7 chickens [2 were Roosters](lot's of heartbreak). This 1st chick is supposed to be a Red Sex link, I got 3, other 2 look like pullets but this one is really friendly and gives me...
  14. Keeper of Flocks

    Greetings! New member introductions >

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I have kept chickens for over a decade. I was in my early twenties. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 21 (3) What breeds do you have? I currently have 6 ISA Browns, 3 Welsumers, and 12 Pearl Star, all females I have...
  15. M

    Sexing Barred Rock Chicks

    Can anyone help me out sexing the barred rock chicks? The people I bought them from said they were pullets but I’m not real sure. I have two in the pics below of the group. I only have one chick recent close up. The pic of the two is when we first got them.
  16. LizFl

    Purplish comb on the back

    Hi! I have a Barred Rock and her comb has been going purplish in the back and within 5 minutes it went back to bright red. Wondering if this is normal? She is acting normal, eating, dust bathing and being the bully at the top of the pecking order. Why does this happen?
  17. Barred Rock Hen

    Barred Rock Hen

    Scratchin’ around lookin’ for bugs!
  18. Barred Rock Hen

    Barred Rock Hen

    Just gave her dried mealworms.. so spoiled 😅
  19. Barred Rock hen laying an egg

    Barred Rock hen laying an egg

    Scoop laying an egg cutely!
  20. E

    Which is bigger - Wyandottes or Barred Rock

    Last year, I picked up 6 chicks - 3 Australorps and 3 Light Brahmas. They were all supposed to be females, but one of the Brahmas ended up a rooster. While I'm thrilled to have him, I hadn't planned for him (by the time we knew he was a rooster, there were no more chicks to be had locally)...
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