
  1. kirkyanne

    Buff orpington drake plumage

    Hello my buff ducks are almost 9 weeks old and fully feathered. Wondering when the male plumage comes through though? Drakes usually get dark heads like this: I vent sexed them young and was sure we had 4 girls and 3 boys, but they all still have similar colouring. Anyone know? This is my...
  2. Thaney Design

    What Color Is This Silkie?

    I'm guessing this will be a cockerel, but I know Silkies are not an easy breed to sex. It's more a gut feeling. Anyway... here are the photos... what color will this Silkie be? Buff?
  3. TheChiggens

    Everything Buff ~Chat

    Post pictures Share stories about any chicken BUFF! Orpington, Brahma etc. You know what to do!
  4. T

    Cochin colours

    Hi guys, I'm new to byc and i have a question. You see, i have a trio of gold blacklaced cochin bantams and i also have a buff cochin bantam. All of which are purebred and pure in colour. What would i get if i crossed the buff hen to the gold blacklaced roo? And would i be able to tell the...
  5. Shaycres

    Buff Minorca: Mochi or Loki?

    Hi! I have a Buff Minorca who's four and a half months old. By this point in time I think I have most of my chickens accurately sexed - but I'm stumped on this one! I know Minorcas have big combs and I think that's throwing me off. I saw another thread with one around the same age and it was...
  6. Thechickentrainer1999

    What's wrong with my hen?

    I've noticed over the last few months that my hens comb has changed color. It used to be bright red and now to me it looks pale and looks like it has shrunk. Here is a picture from 2018 vs 2019. What do you think has caused this? She is 2 years old. She also is missing butt feathers that are not...
  7. J

    Looking for Buff Bantam Silkies in Maryland

    Hi! I'm looking for buff-colored bantam silkies here in Maryland. Does anyone know of any breeders, farms, or have chicks/pullets for sale in the state? Cheers, ~Jess
  8. BodilJ

    Creating buff laced wyandottes

    Hey all I am hoping to create buff black laced wyandottes, as I love the contrast of silver and black in the silver laced wyandottes, but unfortunately the breed standard for gold laced is a quite dark gold here in Denmark, so they loose that striking look. I could of course just select for...
  9. Chickensgalore11

    What gender are my chicks please

    So I got a bunch of different breeds so it's been a bit difficult compariby whom may be hens and whom may be cocks. Pictures 1 and 2 is my austrolorp at 8-9 weeks old. Pictures 3 and 4 is my Pekin Bantam which I think may be a frizzle - 9 weeks old. Picture 5, 6, 7 and 8 chicks are 2 buff...
  10. taushajbrown

    Ducks For Sale Dallas, Tx Several Breeds

    Hello, I have several pure breed ducks for sale if anyone is interested. I have so many along with dogs, geese, my own 5 young children, my husband, and Ive just got myself spread so thin at the moment. Ill keep them unless someone wants them, Ive had them all since they were born and theyre...
  11. chickenhawkct

    Whats with the pig pile I thought i got chickens?

    My chickens live in an old converted shed. i have about twenty laying boxes and about 6foot of roosting space. That being said my mental mush chickens all pile/ roost in the door, even when closed.
  12. Thechickentrainer1999

    Missing feathers, red butt.

    I have a buff Orpington hen who molted last fall, she didn't go through a hard molt at all just lost a few butt feathers, here we are months later and those feathers have not grown back and her skin is really red back there? Any suggestions or answers? Could it possibly be another hen plucking...
  13. FrySauce

    Supposed to be a buff, but...

    Hello BYCers. Very new here! And new to keeping chickens, so you might be seeing lots of me. Two and a half weeks ago we picked up three chicks from our local IFA. One was supposed to be a buff Orpington, but as she’s growing feathers she’s very mottled and I’m wondering if she might be a...
  14. JennyHeidewald

    Two Buff Brahma Bantam Roos, Arizona

    Free, two Buff Brahma Bantam roos, about 13/14 weeks old. Nice birds so far, we just have too many roosters to keep them. They have been cooped outside for four weeks now. Would prefer they go together since they have been raised together. Meet up at the Paulden, Depot 89 gas station (23050 N...
  15. Lilorp14

    What colors do you get if you breed together a blue and a buff?

    Hi, just curious... What colors would you get if you breed together a blue and a buff? Thanks:D
  16. Ginmary

    Buff orp sitting on Serama eggs

    we were gone for 3 days and when we got home our buff orp was broody in the nest. There is no rooster for her and the ameracauna so I took their eggs out from under her. Our silkie didn’t lay. However, one of our Seramas is a roo who has recently been mating with his two hens. I tried taking...
  17. Sjbuff

    28 week old Buff Orpington

    28 weeks old today and showing no signs of laying anytime soon. Is this normal?
  18. Whiskey the goose

    Virulent Newcastle Disease in SoCal

    Hello from sunny southern california. I volunteer at a local animal shelter and I am aware that the Newcastle dieses Is reported back in our neighborhood. I remember last time we saw it in town it killed off all birds in town. None were spared, it was something out of a horror movie. I have an...
  19. P

    Roosters in SE iowa

    Hello all I have 3 rir roosters, (1 is 1half or so years old the other 2 are 7 months) then we 1 buff orpington, 1 co co maran and 1 silver lace wyandotte. All but the 1 rir are about 7 months old, the roosters are ruining our egg production but they would make okay pets or guard roos for...
  20. A

    Skin infection on Buff?

    We noticed our buff was losing feathers. When we flipped her over, we saw that all the feathers on her abdomen were gone and she had a half inch abscess (see photo). Skin is read. She is not bloated and it does not appear that she has water belly. Could this be thrush?
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