
  1. Hillbillenigma

    Cochin Bantams - Bantam Magazine

    Cochin Bantams - Softcover / Paperback. Sixth printing - 1990 New condition. 46 pp - history, descriptions & standard for the recognized varieties. B&W photos $10 shipped via Media Mail in the Cont US.
  2. bantamgenetics23

    Color, Quality, and thoughts about my Cochin Bantam Rooster

    Hi all! I am posting a photo of my Cochin Bantam Rooster. I am just getting started with Mille Fleurs, Calicos, and Mottled bantam cochins. Could you all give me some advice on color of this guy? Blue Mille was thrown around from someone I know but I wasn't sure if that was the case. He does...
  3. J

    Cochin Bantam - Genetic questions

    Hello all! I have a few questions about Cochin bantam and will put here by topic. But let me tell first all the colours I have: - White - Black - Black Mottled - Blue Mottled - Buff Mottled - Gold Partridge - Silver Partridge 1. I have 2 white males at the moment. With which other mutation...
  4. W

    Black Cochin hen going blind!??

    We thought Peeps must have been pecked in an eye. She kept keeping it closed so we treated the eye as if it was. She is losing weight and the hen who she hung out with her whole life is pushing her away. Took them for a walk yesterday and shes stumbling over things which are close and under...
  5. Vadard

    Who’s gonna have bantam Cochins this spring?

    Not looking for anything fancy — buff, black, splash, whatever. My kiddos love bantams and I’ve been talked into getting a few. I know the hatcheries will have them, but I’m hoping another breeder might. No luck finding any local yet (south MS). Thanks!
  6. Cloverr39

    What color is my bantam cochin?

    This is Chrissy my frizzled bantam cochin pullet I got as an extra egg with silkie eggs I bought. Now she just kinda lives with my silkies and 2 other non-silkie hens. I believe she is a black with gold leakage, but she has a couple white tips on her foot feathers. Is that some kind of leakage...
  7. Cloverr39

    Breeding silkie + 2 other breeds. What to expect?

    Hello! I will be breeding a silkie rooster to a bantam brahma and a frizzle bantam cochin. The 2 non-silkie girls live with my silkies and I figured that since I'm probably gonna accidentally mix their eggs in with the silkie hatching eggs, I might aswell purposely hatch some chicks from them. I...
  8. freshwaterchicken

    Scruffy chicken?

    My chicken, Soap, is a giant blue cochin. She's 16 weeks old and her feathers look scruffier compared the other two (also 16 weeks old). She dust bathes and preens so I'm wondering if this is genetic. She doesn't seem ill at all.
  9. Cloverr39

    Pullet? Bantam cochin frizzle

    I'm pretty positive Krissy here is a pullet, but just wanted to double check. 7 weeks old. She was given to me as an extra egg together with some refund silkie eggs. I was only told that that egg is from a bantam cochin. To my surprise she also turned out to be a frizzle.
  10. what breed of chicken is best for you?

    what breed of chicken is best for you?

    for all of you new backyard chicken keepers (or even experienced ones who want a new breed) it is all ways hard choosing a good breed. today i am going to go over the thing you need to ask your self before getting chickens. #1 why do you want chickens? .do you want them for eggs? .do you...
  11. C


    Hi everyone. Fell in love w chickens about two years ago when my mom volunteered me to adopted five chickens from her coworker who was moving. So far we’ve been challenged by building a coop, rehabbing a used coop, mites, relocated raccoons, broody hens, and the terrible loss of our first...
  12. M

    Feathered feet in heat

    Hello! I’ve got a pair of cochin chicks. I have read several times about being careful that they don’t get too muddy on their feet. I realize for winter that can mean frostbite but what about summer? I provide my girls with a shallow dish they can walk into and it helps keep them cool. Of course...
  13. K

    One hen is trying to steal another hen's baby chicks!

    This is very bizarre. So I have one hen that had her chicks hatch at least two weeks ago. She's been walking around with them happy as can be. However, there was another hen who was broody at the same time, and continued trying to sit on the eggs until yesterday (I was removing the eggs from...
  14. dramabrahma

    Cochin really a cockerel?

    Hello! I thought this cochin chick is a cockerel. As I am living in a no roosters allowed area, I posted an add in the local chicken group on fb and someone wants him. But this one lady messaged me saying that he infact is a she?! So now I am confused. He (or she?!) is 2 months old. Does...
  15. 23kthistlethwaite

    Too Young?

    Hey just wanted some opinions. I have a Cochin hen that is broody and I would like to hatch my own eggs this year, but I’m worried she if her being young might not make her a great candidate for a mom. She was hatched in October and she is still kinda small, not full grown yet. Her eggs are...
  16. Paige2213

    Looking for polish, cochin bantams, and frizzle eggs

    Im looking to buy some hatching eggs. I dont wanna buy alot or even a dozen. Im looking to add a few polish, cochin, and frizzles into my fancy flock (color doesn't matter to me all that much since they'd basically be pets). Im located in woodsfield ohio 43793. So the closer to me the better...
  17. S

    Cochin Cockerel?

    Each week I change my mind about this chick's gender. Right now I think cockerel. Any experts out there have any ideas? He is about 6 weeks old.
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