egg laying

  1. lillydragon19

    Started laying and then stopped?

    I have a black australorp in my 5 hen flock that started laying and then stopped. She’s just over 5 months old and is with 4 Americaunas who are 6 months old. The other girls started laying all blue eggs so I knew any brown egg would be the australorp. So I was happy to see the little brown egg...
  2. prestoconfuoco

    Shell-less, strange flat egg?

    Hey all, Last night as I was putting my two female ducks away in their house for the evening I found this on the ground in the straw. I think the white spots/'crust' around the edges were mould?—it was near a spot where they'd been doing a lot of digging and kicking up, and we've just had a...
  3. T

    How many layers?

    How many layers do you all think I have so far? We started with 12 chicks the first week of March. Somehow they were all pullets and no roos! They’re starting to lay. I’m thinking I have 4 different ones so far. What do you think?
  4. M

    Our laying ladies suddenly stopped laying

    I was wondering if anyone knew reasons why our two laying hens would suddenly stop laying. It has been hot (low/mid 90's everyday) so I'm wondering if that may affect things? They seem healthy otherwise. We also realized one of our chickens was a rooster in the past couple of weeks so there have...
  5. Ankaa

    Way to reduce new layer pain?

    My chicken started laying yesterday and finally was able to rest once the egg came out. The next morning she started sounding in pain again. Is there a way for me to help her?
  6. Afaoro

    Silkies haven't laid yet - Should I be concerned?

    In early April, I acquired 2 Silkies from a breeder who was downsizing her flock. She told me the 1-year old hen was already laying, and the other was of age (just over 6 months) but hadn't laid yet. I've now had them for 3.5 months and they seem happy/healthy, but there are no signs of laying...
  7. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Pinched Nerve from Egg?

    Meet my best friend in the universe, Glory. Whenever she sees me, she literally runs into my arms for cuddles (not exaggerating). I love her so darn much. She is a 4 year old BO. Every once in the blue moon, an egg moving through Glory's system seems to cause a temporary pinched nerve. As a...
  8. lavendermarie

    Black Sex Link Possibly Laying Blue/Green Eggs?

    Last year, I got some chickens from North40, including black sex links, who just started laying recently. I noticed some very round blue/green ish eggs and though it differed a bit in color from my regular EE eggs, I assumed it was from one of my new EEs. However, today I collected an egg from...
  9. Lspears218

    When will eggs come from specific rooster ?

    Hello- I have a flock of all different breeds, I would like to separate my silkie hens and roosters to hatch silkie eggs. Since the hen has the potential of laying mixed breed eggs at this moment, how long should I wait to know that she will certainly lay only silkie eggs? Hope it makes sense...
  10. M

    How do genetics work for egg laying?

    Hi! If I have a Japanese Bantam Rooster that I breed with an Old English hen, will I get many eggs from the resulting hens that I hatch? Since OEB are prolific layers and JB only lay around 75 eggs per year, I wasn’t sure if the resulting daughters of this match would take after one parent or...
  11. Zomestead

    Scissor Beak small but feisty

    We have a scissor beak hen. We actually named her Scissor. Lol. My question is if she will for sure lay eggs? She also has foot deformities and well… bless her! :) Scissors beak is pretty bad, but we hand feed her daily and we make sure she has access to mash. We used to grind food for her...
  12. MolliMonster99

    Ducks and Chickens stopped laying?

    Hi all! So, my runners and chickens started to lay again back in late January/early February, but it's been a week now with no eggs and I'm worried in case there's something wrong. They are all eating well, drinking fine and acting perfectly normal. We have had some snow this week and I thought...
  13. M

    Most reliable hen… stopped laying last week?

    I have 7 hens all hatched around April 1st 2022. I believe the one in question is some sort of Americana/Easter egger (no idea what the mixes there are but she looks like a Brown leghorn and lays green eggs). She was my first layer, and she laid reliably all winter. She really hasn’t taken too...
  14. N

    1yo Easter Egger hasn't laid for months

    Hi! I'm a first-time poster and first-time chicken owner :). I have a flock of 4, all 13 months old. They all started laying around 6 months and 3/4 have consistently been laying an egg a day since. But my easter egger stopped laying in September (~5 months ago, when she was about 8 months old)...
  15. 515015011

    Egg laying

    Hi! I have an African goose, who just started laying eggs. I know The eggs definitely unfertilized because she’s my only goose. So far she has layed 2 eggs, both hard shell but different sizes. I’m just wondering why they’re so different in size, how soon should I take them from her nest, and...
  16. rudyard

    Muscovy laying eggs- advice needed

    Hi Folks, My duck hasn't been sleeping in her box at night, looked under a tarp and there are 10 scattered eggs. Little sneak! So some questions- Can I just remove all the eggs? Or should I supply her with fake eggs and let her go through her cycle? (With pigeons you have to replace the eggs...
  17. saving grace

    When do your hens start laying again after stopping for winter?

    Hello! This is just a curiosity question. :) All my hens stopped laying in October and November and I decided not to do additional lighting this year and let the hens have a break. We get 8 ½ hours of daylight here, currently, and three of my hens just started laying again consistently. I was...
  18. hannahsocal

    Point of lay pullets not laying in winter, any suggestions? 🙏🏼😊

    Hello! I have a few 23 week old (almost 24 week old) blue andalusian pullets that were “supposed” to start laying last week or the week before. I’ve been feeding them later pellets and scratch as well as the occasional kitchen scraps (all good for chickens ofc), adding supplemental lighting to...
  19. R

    Raising chickens in Ecuador

    Hello everyone! We live in Ecuador. We have a coop for 5 hens, using deep litter method. Since the area I live in is 55 degrees to 75 degrees Fahrenheit all year long and the sun stays up for 12 hours a day every day of the year Will they lay eggs continuously or take a break and molt? The blue...
  20. jschmi

    New layers - Not laying in the nesting box

    I have 6 chickens and they are now about 26 weeks old. The egg laying just started for the first time about 2 weeks ago. I am only getting one egg every 2-4 days. I am not sure which one is laying or if it is multiple since I am only getting one at a time. My concern is that not all of them...
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