eye injury

  1. The duck father_

    Duck with Lower eyelid pulled out

    My drake got into a fight and had his eyelid pulled. Will it heal okay with terramycin or is there anything I can do right now for him?
  2. Everose

    Inside or outside?

    Yesterday, my roo escaped the coop and got into it with my feral rooster flock. He had minor injuries to his comb that have now scabbed over. No major tears. His eye is also injured. I cleaned his comb with sterile saline wound wash, and applied painkiller free antibiotic cream. I also applied...
  3. B

    Chickens can’t grow new eyes right?

    My chicken was attacked by a dog causing a wound on her eye which was then made worse by her flock mates pecking at it. It’s been a few months, it happened in August of last year if I remember correctly, and I just picked her up after her flock mates went after her and I saw an eye where there...
  4. B

    Chicken lost an eye, seemed to be healed, eye wound leaking again

    One of my chickens lost an eye to a dog attack followed by her flock mates pecking at it. I put her back in with the others after my mom cleaned out her eye, it was dead and causing an infection, and her eye seemed to be healed. I heard clucking at 1 am tonight so I raced outside worried...
  5. C

    10 day old chick attacked- eye injury(pic)

    Help! My 10 day old baby was attacked by my dog. No injury to her body except for her eye. She seems to have a puncture right next to/behind her eye and it’s swollen and unable to close. I have her separated from the other chicks with electrolyte infused water, some crumbles, and a heat source...
  6. Tanya22

    Rooster got pecked in the eye by another bird!

    Hey everyone. So I have a little birdie at my home who for very defensive today when my rooster came near his cage. He pecked my Brownie's left eye and now it is closed. I dipped some cotton in room temperature water (it was on the colder side) and pressed it over his eye. The eye initially...
  7. Kirmi8

    Eye injury

    Has anyone dealt with peck eye injuries? (Of course you have, lol). In your experience, how long do they take to resolve? What I thought previously was respiratory issues, I am now thinking is a result of a peck injury. The hen is BAR and normal but has discharge from one eye and some...
  8. lmikulski

    Eye injury or ocular mareks?

    Is there any way to determine if an eye is injured vs has ocular mareks based on the pupil? I rescued this hen from an industrial area and noticed her weird eye- she's in quarantine, so low risk to my established unvaccinated flock. Normal eye on the right side, blown out pupil on the left side.
  9. Gwyllen

    Baby chick with eye injury, need help please

    So I let one of our Silkie hens (Paula) nest on eggs and one of them hatched out in good health. I let them be and checked on them an hour later where the accident already happened. The chick was “screaming“ and outside her wing clinging to Paula while she pecked at her. I immediately plucked...
  10. L

    Duck with Eye Injury!!!

    Hello! I have a precious 6 month old duck with an injury to his eye. I noticed this past Wednesday (4 days ago) that he would not open his eye. Upon further inspection, his eye looked glazed over/milky and like there was a small cut. Since then, a bubble like growth is coming off of his eye and...
  11. Reiki Rooster

    Eye Injury Please Help

    Hello, I just got this beautiful new rooster from a friend who sadly had to rehome in a fast fast hurry. I was told about a week ago he got into a fight with another rooster who pecked his eye. No treatment was given other then quarantine, and being new he is still quarantined at my place. I...
  12. mdsn

    Eye Injury?

    Hi! I'm new to raising chicks and noticed today one of our 5 week old midnight majesty maran had an eye she wasn't wanting to open/was squinting when she did. On closer inspection she is a little bald around the eye and there was a slight amount of clear pus that came out. Her other eye is...
  13. marissa98

    Chicken w/ Possibly Infected Eye- Eye Issue Since Hatching

    We have a 4 month old hen that has had eye issues from hatch. We purchased her from a feed store and realized that one of her eyes was very swollen. We did some research and the best we could determine, it was a birth defect causing her eye/eye socket to not be formed correctly. Her first week...
  14. CSAchook

    Swollen watery eye

    Sugar, my 5 month old bantam Cochin pullet, has had a slightly swollen and very watery right eye for several days, but no other symptoms. She is laying consistently and has normal looking poop. She has no nasal discharge, no sneezing or other signs of respiratory distress. So, I have a few...
  15. Medusaxvi

    Does this look like eye worm?

  16. M

    Weird eye problen with Pekin duckling

    Just recently I have purchased 2 Grimaud Hybrid ducklings to give my adult Jumbo new friends. They have been acclimating well and have had no problems but are inside the house for now until they are big enough to be brought outside. Just today I noticed one of my ducklings to have a weird area...
  17. CPT

    Turkey with swollen eye

    Hi! My turkey hen looks like she was stung by something. Her eye is swollen and partially open. Wondering if I need to do anything? She could barely open her eye last night, but looks like it's partially open. Been keeping an eye on her....she is eating and drinking ok, but mostly laying...
  18. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Help! Hen with Eye Swollen Shut

    Today I noticed my hen's left eye was completely swollen shut--out of nowhere (I check on them periodically throughout the day). She's eating, drinking, active, etc. and no signs of sneezing or fluid that I can tell. Could this be an illness? Injury? Anyone know what I can do for her? Thank you!!
  19. It_is_I_Rae

    Chicken with eye injury, acting lethargic

    I just discovered that one of my chickens' eye is injured. She was keeping it closed so I figured it was some minor irritation or something but when she opened it I found that instead of brown, it was a solid cloudy red color like it was filled with blood or something. I couldn't see the pupil...
  20. J

    My pet Rooster has eye injury wont open it and might be possible sick?!?!? need help

    Hi there im semi new to chicken keeping about year in next month in june and recently my rooster as suffered some kinda eye injury on may the5th and im not entirely sure what has caused it he seems to be keeping it closed on purpose there is no discharge or mucus or anything around the eyes or...
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