eye injury

  1. T

    Sick baby quail

    I rescued a baby quail (elroy)a few weeks ago. I have had it on the starter food and provided grit which it sometimes pecks seed and water however it will not touch them.Three days ago it was apparent that something was wrong with his eye it had some white in it and was puffy. I gently washed...
  2. reagansymone

    Eye Problem

    Hello! I work at an animal shelter in between a suburban and rural area. We've been getting more and more chickens in lately, and today we got one in with something wrong with its eye. She's a bantam (I think either an old english bantam or a dutch bantam). We don't know how old. Her right eye...
  3. Hua

    Help with hard lump near pullets eye

    Hi! My pullet has a hard lump near her eye causing her eye to also be swollen. Her other eye is fine. She was born in the flock and is 2.5 months old. I was thinking she got pecked too hard and it is an abscess. Any thoughts about what it is or suggestions about treatment?
  4. ChickenLover741

    Rooster with VERY swollen eye area. Help?

    Just yesterday, I noticed that my rooster, Reggie, was only facing everything with one side. When I looked at his right side, I saw that all around his eye was very swollen, and looked pretty bad. He's acting otherwise normal, and CAN blink. The eye itself doesn't seem to be injured, maybe just...
  5. SamDuck24

    Best thing to do for duck with badly hurt eye??

    Hey guys.. My male attacked my female (His leg is hurt and is unable to balance and mate with her so i assume he's a bit frustrated) Essentially he scratched her eye really badly. She is lucky to keep her eye as he mainly hurt the eye lid and scratched the cornea slightly. The vet prescribed...
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