
  1. Emrosenagel

    Guys or gals?

    Hello! I have a few 10 1/2 week old chicks and I’d like to know what I’ve got. I have one serama, who I believe is a little lady. One bantam Cochin. My other girl Cochins got red very early on, so I’m hoping this is the case. And a mystery chicken ( any idea what it is?)
  2. F

    7 week old roo or hen?

    This is a jersey giant. I'm guessing roo, as I see saddle feathers and his tail feathers are much bigger and fuller than his siblings. I'll attach a pic of one of his siblings suspected to be a hen (bottom pic) also wanted to know what age i can put them outside? I was guessing 10 weeks to be sure
  3. 1Crzychknlady

    Are all these boys!? 😭

    Please tell me I still have a chance for atleast one of these marans to be a pullet! Almost 5 weeks old. First pic is of our for-sure cockerel who was hatched the same time as the others around 3/25.
  4. Brooke Carson

    Does this look like a boy to you?

    This Buff Orpington came from TSC at the same time as the Wellbars and the Lavender and the other Buff. It grew a comb a week or two ago. We have 2 separate flocks at the moment. There are a group of hens living outside and a mixed group of sort of "teens", ducks, and chicks living together...
  5. R

    What gender is this chicken? And breed

    I'm thinking a male but the restaurant where he/she was dumped thinks female. Any ideas? They're a beautiful chicken!
  6. Mandee297

    Buff silkies gender question

    Butter and Scotch are approximately six weeks old. I know it's probably too soon to tell but just curious your thoughts on pullet or roo for the heck of it. I did go ahead and order gender testing for them. The one that has me thrown off is the single comb. Pretty sure the other is a boy. I also...
  7. C

    HELP! Rooster with no comb??!!

    Weird question that probably is really dumb - I have this chick that is now around six weeks old that I thought was a pulley the whole time, but now I’m second guessing myself. It struts like a rooster constantly, is definitely “in charge” of the other pullets, is a bit aggressive towards me...
  8. J

    Is my giant cochin a rooster?

    I was told she was pullet (99% chance, anyway), but she started crowing and doing the "shuffle dance" to anything not bolted to the ground😅 Bagel is 6 months old
  9. F

    5 week old chicks, gender and breed?

    When I first bought them, the lady present said Bantams. Then I was doubting so I called the store and the lady that owns the place told me that they were jersey giants and gold stars. I've done a lot of research on gold stars and hardly anything pops up, it's genuinely annoying lol so idk if...
  10. CassieTheChickenTender


    This is mostly just for fun. 😉 They are only 5 1/2 weeks and 3 1/2 weeks The first two pics are of the 5 week olds. One is a crossbeak and is probly why she is smaller. The 3rd pic is the 3 week old which I'm sure will be super hard to guess what it will be. I'm gonna be doing gender testing so...
  11. brittanycuster94

    What gender and Breed?

    so I bought these chicks three Saturdays ago. I know my local tractor supply receive them on that Thursday so they’re like three weeks and two days old the two blackish ones are supposedly blue Australorps, but they look to me how my plymouth barred rock looked, so now I’m confused did they mess...
  12. G

    What breed + gender are these?

    I came across 2 chicks about 2 weeks ago and I am wondering what breed and gender these 2 adolescent chickens are?
  13. T

    Playing hen or roo with Delawares

    Got two Delawares a few weeks ago, just curious if anyone has thoughts on this one’s gender. I don’t know exactly how old they are, I’m guessing they were about a week old when I brought them home which would put them around four weeks now. I only put pictures of one because the other won’t pose...
  14. P

    6 week old Brahmas

    Alright guys I have 2, 6 week old brahmas. What gender are we thinking? #1- Blue #2- Black
  15. MegTheHenEggQueen

    Who am I and what is my gender :-)

    Smaller 3 (2 brown and 1 black) are just shy of 5 months old and all the others are almost 7 months old. Ok we will have photo overload today in this thread. I typically know 100% the sex of the chicken. But when it comes to Easter Eggers I sometimes am clueless. I will post some Easter Eggers...
  16. RejectedSingleChick

    Help identifying gender of bantam chicken

    Hi, I have a 6month old mixed breed bantam chicken, who I have no idea whether they are a rooster or a hen though I am leaning more towards rooster. They are very dominant in the flock but have not crowed or laid an egg unlike their siblings from the same batch. Would love some other opinions on...
  17. B

    Roo or hen?

    Any guesses? 4 weeks old
  18. GoldenBlossoms

    Is my dove a male or female?

    My dove started doing this just a few days ago. It's also the only time they have every let me pet them, is this a male or female behavior? And is she/he ok?? My Dove I have had them for almost a year now. Also idk why they picked the messy bookcase lol
  19. C

    Inhereted two silkies from a friends property

    I'm unsure if these are both roosters, I took in the two when my friend passed. I've raised Rhode Island reds before. I'm have a feeling the grey is a roo I'm unsure on the white. My only guess on the grey is because of its comb and wattle but it's not a pure silkie. Thanks for your help...
  20. L

    Silkie - any idea its gender or age?

    Hi! I was given this silkie a few days ago. I was told it’s a hen but not sure how to tell since it’s not laying or crowing. Also any idea how old? Thanks for any input!!
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