
  1. ChickenNuggie

    First Time Hatch & Egg-topsy: My Story

    We were given an incubator as a gift since we couldn’t afford to buy one ourselves. It’s not a high-quality incubator, and it appears that we have had problems with keeping temperature and humidity steady. The external temperature read out is Celsius and does not seem to match the thermometer...
  2. S

    1 hatch 1 no movement

    Hi everyone me again, it's day 21 today my baby hatched this morning at 6.40am I have another egg in there which hasn't pipped and haven't noticed any movement when I quickly just candled. I didn't notice any movement on day 18 either. Should I just wait it out a few more days? Pic of my hatched...
  3. E

    Humidity setting for incubator

    What is you incubator humidity setting for quails? TIA
  4. lmadeline146

    Incubators or Broody Hens & why?

    I’m deciding between having a hen hatch eggs for me this year or using an incubator. If you prefer one over the other, could you describe why? I’m doing research on the pros and cons of both so anything is helpful.
  5. The_Chicken_Tender

    Baby chick rolling other eggs around in incubator

    The first chick hatched in my new incubator but she keeps walking around all the unhatched eggs, which is causing them to roll around. I marked both sides so I would know which side to turn them to, and I stopped turning them two days ago. I read that if they are turned after that time period...
  6. Mayonnaise83

    Could hen still be broody immediately after hatching and killing all of her chicks???

    I have a black copper marans who recently went broody for the first time so I gave her 6 eggs. She successfully hatched 5 of them and then the next day she killed them all. When I found them she was still sitting on the nest because there were still two eggs under her that were laid by other...
  7. hannahsocal

    HELP!! Baby chick hatched MISSING TOES??!?!

    I had a very successful hatch so far but one of my chicks (the last one to pip) was having trouble and making no progress so I stepped in to help (gently, carefully with all precautions taken of course). When he was almost out of the shell, I noticed one of the feet had all of the toes shorter...
  8. AusHen

    November 2022 Hatch-a-long

    Just put 6 eggs into a bator, this time a pen of two flocks together. Due to hatch on the 3rd of November Pen consists of - Buff Silkie rooster Buff Silkie hen (bearded) White Silkie hen Paint Silkie hen (bearded) + Buff polish rooster Buff polish hen 2 x frizzle Buff laced polish hens Gold...
  9. J

    I don't know if this is normal?

    I had one chick hatch yesterday around 1pm. Two other chicks popped their beaks out around the same time. The other chicks have not come out. They don't chirp. I'm here all the time and I have never heard them chirp. Are they dead? Should I wait longer or try to help them? It's been over 24...
  10. beccabonny

    First HG-only hatch

    Lockdown! Hoping to see pips tonight. I set a second batch in the first brooder after I moved the first batch to the lockdown brooder. I can’t wait to see what colors and personalities emerge! I don’t know if it’s the stock (Myshire) or that I played podcasts not stop in the brooder, but this...
  11. Cnjecker

    Incubator Help!

    Hello! On day 14 of our attempt to hatch eggs in a borrowed incubator. We started with 6 eggs and are down to 4 that are alive and showing very promising signs (air cell growth, movement, etc.). The incubator that I have doesnt have a humidity setting so I’ve been guessing. As hatch day was...
  12. B

    Deformed quail

    So I have a baby quail that hatched yesterday, I noticed it was not walked like it should be while letting it dry but instead it was dragging itself with its wings. All my other quail are happy and normal but this little guy has one leg way longer than the other, only really uses the shorter...
  13. C

    Are my eggs going to hatch?!?!

    it Is my first time incubating eggs. I have made it to lockdown 10 out of 12 eggs successfully developing and no troubles. I had one mess up on day 18 (I put my silkie eggs into lockdown on day 17), I accidentally pumped the incubator and sent the eggs rolling. I quickly placed them all back and...
  14. hannahsocal

    What is the ultimate BEST hatcher?

    After a long search, I’ve found my top favorite incubators for days 1-18, but what about the best hatcher for days 19-21? A lot of people keep their eggs in the same incubator during lockdown and hatch days, but having a separate place for lockdown and hatch is very helpful if you have multiple...
  15. TheBirdBabe

    Cookie's eggs

    How far along would you say these babies are? I'm thinking 20-22 days? I'm sorry, they're terrible pictures. 😬
  16. minicoopers

    Hen helping with hatching

    Hi all, need your help. I am hatching Silkies with a broody Maran. This will be the Maran’s 2nd time hatch. I just saw one egg is starting to open, the outer layer of the shell is off in some places. As I watched the mom started pecking aggressively at the egg and when it was moving around I...
  17. PNWhens

    Newborn chick, should I remove poop from Butt?

    She is chirping and kicking just fine, but has some sack and what appears to maybe be poop? Still attached to her behind. Should I remove? It is getting tangled in her feet when she tries to stand
  18. pandorican

    The adventures of L & D & the bad hatch

    This ones gonna be a bit long, sorry. I’m posting to share my experience so far in case anyone else has these issues, and to see what wisdom y’all might have to add to it all. So, I hatched my first full brood in the incubator Monday (I had done a few successful hatches but only got 2/1...
  19. H

    Incubating peachicks

    Hello! I’m incubating chicks. One has already hatched and it only took about 4 hours from when I noticed the pipe. The second egg piped and we’re now going on 36 hours since then. It’s opened enough that I can see it’s breathing. Doesn’t seem to be sticky. Every once in awhile it chirps. I don’t...
  20. R

    Help with new chick

    Hi I have been incubating some eggs on hatch early and is not walking or anything just chirping CAN SOMEONE TELL ME WHY
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