hawk attack

  1. Phantom_k9

    Need Help Identifying Killer

    Good evening yall, I really hate that most of my recent post have been about grim topics. I went outside today to find one of our sweet juvenile chickens, killed. This is the risk of free ranging chickens, especially when you don't have a fence. We had planned to put in a fence either before...
  2. M

    Reflective vests?

    I just lost a hen to a hawk. My flock has been free-ranging for nine months now and this is the first one I've lost to a hawk. Free-ranging them is the only option I have at the moment, so I'm now trying to think of ways to prevent another hawk attack. I've read that hawks don't really like...
  3. C

    Are hawks and raccoons the only decapitators ?

    Actually now that I think about it, owls eat heads off as well. . . So wasteful. ANYWHO - a little over a week ago we had a nighttime attack, 3 chicks were maimed enough to be culled, 2 went completely missing and we found feathers about 50 yards away, near the base of the tree and 2...
  4. My Chicken experience and thoughts

    My Chicken experience and thoughts

    First of all,I am no expert or claim to be one. I like science backed data. I have read every single book I could get my hands on. I have read every article and instruction I could find in English online. I am not a band wagon type of person nor do I jump into things without feeling informed as...
  5. PioneerChicks

    What Kinds of Raptors have Attacked your Poultry?

    I am wondering what kind of raptors (aka birds of prey) have attacked your poultry before. By attack I mean dive and attack (or attempt to attack) them, successful or not. Please vote on the poll and post a comment about wether the raptor caught the chicken/duck/whatever or not and (if you...
  6. BitterSweetCitrus

    Hawks, Flocks, and Small Dogs

    Our family has a flock, we currently let our 5 Week old chicks run around in a metal pen while the girls free range. We have plenty of vultures the fly around our house, but usually not many hawks or other Ariel predators. About 7 days ago we had a hawk (I think a Red Shouldered Hawk) try to go...
  7. S

    Hawk injuries

    Hello! My polish was grabbed by a hawk the other day. Fortunately we were close by and able to thwart the attack. She only has some scratching around her face. Both her and the hawk blew out feathers but I don’t think it pulled any off of her. I wanted to see what you all think of it and if we...
  8. P

    Hawk attack - swollen eye - help!

    Hi everyone, We had our first (!) hawk attack yesterday. I usually let the chickens free range in my backyard, which is in a suburban area. At about 2:30, I heard some loud clucking noises and turned around, and saw a hawk clutching one of my 4-month old pullets (she was lying completely...
  9. B

    Hawk attack injury

    Hello! A couple of days ago I had a few hens attacked and killed by a hawk. A couple of the ladies survived. One of them seems to be having problems walking now though. She pulled past the 24 hour mark but went missing. I had assumed she was taken by a predator since she would have been an easy...
  10. S

    Hawk deterrent?

    We are currently having trouble with a hawk/hawks. We lost our sweet little sultan chicken to a hawk earlier this week and now I have seen them in the yard every day since. We usually let our girls free range our yard. Have a flock of 6 hens now, a polish, Dominique, welsummer, buff Orpington...
  11. filmcmahon

    Hawk attacked Silkie bantam

    hello everyone! this morning as i was sitting at the kitchen table looking out into the backyard i noticed our free ranging silkie wasn’t caught up where the rest of the group was, which is typical for her. she was in the middle of the yard, the others in a currant berry bush. i pointed this out...
  12. K

    Chick head wound

    My 10 week old chick was just attacked by a hawk about 20 minutes ago. I heard it and ran to the rescue. Once I scared the hawk off, she ran for cover with the rest of her sisters. She lost a bit of blood. I currently have her separated and inside the house. How do I care for the wound and how...
  13. E

    How many days of antibiotics are enough?

    Hi everyone! I mentioned in my intro post that I'm currently helping my favorite chicken Chelsea back to health after a hawk attack. She lost all the feathers on her back and under her wings quite a bit. I think the hawk was scared off by the neighbors dog. Anyway her neck is badly damaged as...
  14. Firefly77

    Hawk tried for a chicken

    Today was a lucky day for my chicken Betsy. Lucky my dad was outside as he was letting our ducks and chickens free ranged . Well i was inside the house and saw the hawk swoop down from the window , next thing i knew my dad was screaming as he had a crate and almost trapped the hawk but he/she...
  15. Rachel1231

    My chicken was attacked by a hawk. What should I do?

    Today, my big foghorn Leghorn (we call him big chicken) was attacked by a hawk. It was the worst thing to hear. He is still alive, but he's got a big hole in his thigh. What should I do so he has the best chance to survive? TIA
  16. R3M1X

    Silent and deadly...

    I don't know what it is, but there have been three chickens between 8 weeks and 12weeks old go missing by something. I assume that same thing went after my 9 week old duck and caused damage to her eye... it's all happened in the afternoon/evening time (after 4 pm) the first one happened two days...
  17. Hilfox84

    Rooster vs Hawks

    I’m fairly new to chickens. I’ve had my flock for almost a year now. This is my second go around though. The first flock I had was completely wiped out by hawks. Like nothing left at but some feathers. I had 4 hens survive out of the 15. I got some more chicks and now I have 11 hens a little...
  18. Jmash

    Questions about Hawks - had a close encounter

    Hello! We just had a hawk attack our flock. Luckily I was nearby and was able to scare the hawk off. The chicken that was attacked got away unscathed with only lost feathers (poor thing... she's scared though). I have a few questions now: 1) Once a hawk attacks, is it likely to come back...
  19. C

    My first loss...

    Hi... I'm pretty new to being a chicken mom, having started my flock this past September. They are my passion and have brought me endless joy since Day 1. Yesterday, we lost our first (hopefully only) chicken to what we believe was a hawk. Our coop and run are secured around the perimeter...
  20. Animal family

    Punctured bill

    Hi all! My duck Quackers got attacked by a huge red tail today on the patio while she was under the patio table. Her brave mate Cheese chased the hawk away right before my husband ran outside. She has a small puncture on the left side of her bill and a tiny scrape on the end. It bled quite a...
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