hawk attack

  1. C

    My first loss...

    Hi... I'm pretty new to being a chicken mom, having started my flock this past September. They are my passion and have brought me endless joy since Day 1. Yesterday, we lost our first (hopefully only) chicken to what we believe was a hawk. Our coop and run are secured around the perimeter...
  2. Animal family

    Punctured bill

    Hi all! My duck Quackers got attacked by a huge red tail today on the patio while she was under the patio table. Her brave mate Cheese chased the hawk away right before my husband ran outside. She has a small puncture on the left side of her bill and a tiny scrape on the end. It bled quite a...
  3. SeaSideChicks

    Was it a hawk?

    We came home today and found our hens hiding on one side of the yard and our rooster in a pile of his feathers, killed on the other side of the yard. He had a large wound near his thigh and that was it. No bleeding really. I feel like if I had found him sooner, we might could have saved him...
  4. BrahmaMom1797

    Hen Injured by Hawk

    hello! I have a 6 month old hen who took a nasty hit by a hawk today. She’s hardly bleeding, but she does have a puncture wound in her muscle and her skin is torn quite badly. We cleaned and wrapped the wound and she’s now asleep and warm inside. I know the answer might be a vet, but I would...
  5. Amg2918

    Help! Hawk grabbed one and injured another..

    ***sorry for the rambling...Im a newbie owner and this inccident just happened, I'm a bit panicked!!*** I have (had) 3 girls. Two 7 week old standards (not sure what breed yet) and a 5-6 week old japanese bantam. Today while out in the garden I had my girls in a bigger sized dog crate so they...
  6. C

    Hawk Attack

    ***GRAPHIC PICTURES*** This afternoon I had a hawk attack one of my chickens. The hawk attempted to fly away with her but was unable to. After the hawk flew away the chicken was thankfully still alive and ran under a pine tree. She is missing some feathers and has some scratches but the worst...
  7. Chickens4Life101

    Help! Hawk Problem!

    We have a big hawk problem going on right now! We have had chickens for about a year now and we have never lost a chicken to any predator until recently. We just hatched 9 chicks from a broody hen and that is what started attracting this hawk. He is huge and is probably big enough to catch our...
  8. Jordan01

    Grooming out feathers?

    My chickens recently got attacked by a hawk, they're both fine but very stressed. They haven't left their coop since. They lost feathers in the attack and so I didn't really look into their feathers thinking out. I saw Pearl grooming her wing and a feather came loose and she kept grooming till...
  9. jeepgrrl

    Near miss by juvenile hawk, pullet in possible shock?

    Hi all, My 14-week old Ancona pullet, Nanny, was out free ranging and apparently became separated from her flockmates - four sisters of same age and three older hens. She just barely escaped a ground attack by a juvenile hawk. My husband happened to be looking out the kitchen window and saw the...
  10. tacothechicken

    This just got serious! D:<

    Ok guys so if anyone who's seen my pigeon posts knows I have a resident coopers who passes through my yard and has had a go at my young birds a few times now early morning when I fly them! So I had actually moved their loft while their where still young enough to so theyed have more room to spot...
  11. K

    Helpful tips to Help Prevent Predators Needed !!!!

    So this is our 1st flock ever and I am a new chicken mother. Today while I was in the house taking care of my human children a hawk got one of my Rocks while she was free ranging with her sisters. I can't even begin to tell you how guilty I feel. Like I didn't protect her and I didn't hear or...
  12. R

    Yikes! Hawk dive-bomb?

    Was letting the ladies out to free range this morning and as soon as they were out of the pen, a hawk came out of nowhere and dive-bombed them. Should I be worried that this guy is going to be coming back looking for lunch? He was not very big but definitely a hawk. Do hawks go after full size...
  13. Q

    Hawk Attack Injury - damaged tendon? 1 week later, not sure what to do...

    Stripes is about 8 weeks old. She was fine until last Saturday when a red tail hawk attacked her. She has a good sized flesh would under her left wing. We cleaned that, treated it with Neosporin, and isolated her in a crate. Over the last few days she has been getting up and moving around...
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