impacted crop

  1. lilmagill

    how to nourish hen w/ impacted crop

    hello. my ginger has an impacted crop that i massaged today for over an hour while giving her water through a syringe until i felt it break up a bit. when i put her back in the run she immediately pooped out grains. good sign. she's drinking vinegar water and kefir but i've read i need to not...
  2. Loona

    Impacted Crop "Dulcolax"

    Hi, Marsha (Olga's mom) here looking at the site for treatment of Impacted Crop. I went straight to this article featured on the website: I saw that Dulcolax was a form of treatment. I...
  3. elissarules

    Older Hen with Slow Crop: Slow Crop Treatment with Updates

    Hey guys! I have an older hen who is a red comet. She’s about 5 or 6 years old... I’m not too sure. But she was recently molting, poor thing, and of course during the cold. I’m aware that she has frostbite on her comb, and she has an impacted crop. Another hen has feet lice and was wondering if...
  4. E

    Chicken vomit

    I understand that chickens cannot really vomit but that this the best description of the main symptom. A week ago, I bought 4 7mos black AmeracaunaX hens. Upon arrival, one had a loud gurgling stomach and occasionally has saliva-like liquid (clear and coloured) coming from her beak. The most...
  5. E

    Chicken vomit

    ***I've posted this in the Emergency section but cannot find out how to delete the post -- sorry***** I understand that chickens can't really vomit but that is the best description of the behaviour. A week ago, I bought 4 AmeracaunaX black hens. One arrived with a loud gurgling stomach and has...
  6. K

    Soft squishy crop and open mouth breathing, please help!

    Hi everyone, I think my hen has a sour crop? Her crop is squishy this morning and for the last couple days she has been breathing with her mouth open. What should I do to treat her? I stopped feeding her solid food and have only given her plain yogurt. She doesn't seem like she's been eating...
  7. RoostersAreAwesome

    Bantam Cockerel Crop Issues

    My bantam cockerel, Ares, was acting lethargic this morning. I brought him inside and noticed that he wasn't making his usual sounds or moving around much. I massaged his crop and he started spitting out food and grass. He is pale and pooping normally. Now that I've massaged his crop, he seems...
  8. DoodleRoo

    Help! Chicken attacked by dog. Impacted crop?

    One of my Gold Sex Link hens, 'Goldie' was attacked by my dog yesterday (family member accidentally let the dog out while the chickens were still free ranging). By the time I found out about it it was already turning dark and I could not find her that night. I found her the next morning standing...
  9. S

    Young hen with possible impacted corp! Need help!

    My 29 week old Easter egger seems to have an impacted crop but it's just full of sand and it's has not gone down for at least 2 days. I don't know what to do, I have gave her some fish oil and massaged her crop. She is going to the bathroom every once and awhile. I need some at home treatments...
  10. MamaChick74

    Impacted crop

    I am pretty sure one of my girls has an impacted crop. I separated her 2 days ago after I noticed her crop was large one morning. When I picked her up to check her it was very hard feeling. I have been giving her water with olive oil and some poultry grit. I have been massaging her a few...
  11. HuntingChick14

    My chicken is dying!!!

    My speckled Sussex has had a large crop for probably 2 weeks, and with this being my first time with chickens, I thought she just liked to gorge herself on food. She kept doing the weird head/neck movements and I thought she was just trying to get her food to go down (I was wrong). So I finally...
  12. Chickalishdelish

    Potential impacted crop - or am I over-reacting?

    Hello, Totally new to chicken keeping and this week I made the amateur mistake of letting my girls freerange in our garden which has some longer grass in areas where my extension cord plus strimmer meant I couldn't get to cut it. I noticed yesterday morning that the crop of one of my chickens...
  13. L

    BYC Newbie w/Question RE: Reintroducing a Chick to The Flock

    Hi BYC'ers, I joined a few weeks ago because I was looking online for clues as to why one of my then 5 or 6 week old chicks (my first chickens ever) had what looked like huge boobs and found lots of very helpful information here. It turns out she, affectionately named "Booby", had an impacted...
  14. F

    9 week old chick ate a 1/4" plastic bead

    Hello, I'm a new chicken mama and not sure how worried I should be. Yesterday I let the chicks have some play time in their new chicken run. Somehow there was a plastic bead on the ground - about 1/4" in diameter with a hole in the center. The chicks were pecking at it, and when I tried to take...
  15. daniellen

    Help my pullets crop won't empty

    Hello, My 2 month old pullets crop has been full for at least the last two days. I checked it first thing this morning and it had not drained overnight so I isolated her with access to grit and water only. She is still hungry and has some spunk. I have been massaging her crop and it feels...
  16. evekelly

    Sour/ Impacted crop - anybody have success using dulcolax or other remedy

    My 2.5 year old Americauna started with a full crop that wasn't completely emptying at night. It didn't feel impacted, just kind of doughy. I took her off her food and kept her in the coop for most of the day, then let her out later in the day. She was eager to eat and didn't seem to be hindered...
  17. H

    Crop Issue

    One of my hens seems to have a full crop. It's hard-ish and seems to feel like one of those stress balls with the rice in it. It's been like this for a while and I've tried massaging it and also tilting her upside down but nothing comes up. I don't want to hurt my hen. She's NOT losing...
  18. SilverRayne

    Sour Crop? I'm not sure. Help please :)

    I have a chicken, about 8-9 weeks old, that has been outside for about a week now. She wasn't leaving the coop yesterday and acting pretty lethargic so I brought her into the garage with the heat lamp. I checked her breastbone and it is pretty prominent, her crop is squishy, her vent is clear...
  19. Sour Crop, Impacted Crop, Doughy Crop - Prevention and Treatments of Crop disorders

    Sour Crop, Impacted Crop, Doughy Crop - Prevention and Treatments of Crop disorders

    Crops And Their Story Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treating Crop Issues The Crop. Just what IS a Crop, what do they do and why do birds have them? Anatomy of a Crop: The Crop is a muscular pouch located on the right side of a birds lower neck or upper breast area. All birds have them. Chickens...
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