
  1. Pigeony

    "Aloha" Chicken Egg Hatch-a-Long!

    So I'm very excited about this and I need to share this journey with people who get it- I am hatching eggs for the first time, to add to my growing flock currently at 14 birds. I live in AZ and managed to obtain 19 Aloha hatching eggs, which I'm really excited about because I think their...
  2. L

    Day 23, has this little one died?

    Hi All, So out of all the bantam eggs, we had two surviving eggs. One hatched on day 21, and it is now day 23 and there has been no sign of hatching. I believe this little one has died. Can anyone help by confirming the photos below? The mark at the bottom isn't a beak or anything, it is a...
  3. L

    Is this a saddled egg? Day 8 of Incubation

    Morning lovely people 😊 hoping someone can give me some advice pretty please I am hatching my first eggs, these were posted and I wasn't aware of the air sac issue that can occur until after I had ordered them. So I candled the eggs yesterday on Day 8 of Incubation. One egg appears to have a...
  4. Ashcole

    Please help!!! Baby chick just hatched ands has something hanging out of it.

    One of our baby chicks just hatched and I noticed something hanging out of it. It looks like the chick didn’t absorb all of the yolk or something all the way. With the other 6 that hatched I’ve not seen this. 1 still had the membrane stuck from the shell and I just let that fall off on it’s on...
  5. Jojosine

    How to save up eggs to put under broody?

    Hi all I've got a rooster and 10 hens and would like to put eggs under a (hopefully at some point) broody hen. How old can the eggs be I want to put under her? And what is the best method to store them until one becomes broody? I don't have an incubator as I'd like to do the 'natural' way. Any...
  6. Lhynes1478

    Help!!! Is this an internal pip??

    Day 20 bobwhite quail eggs. They hatch somewhere between 21-23 days. At 100°F with humidity of 50-55% for first 20 days. Just bumped humidity up to about 73% and left temp at 100°F for lockdown. I candled a few before lockdown and I’m not sure if these are internal pips? It’s already been about...
  7. Lhynes1478

    Bobwhite quail air sacs day 4 candleing?

    I am new to hatching bobwhite quail eggs. I thought this whole hatch was going to be a dud because they took 4 days to arrive in mail and it was freezing out in Alaska. I’m seeing development at 4 days of incubation in almost all 43 eggs after setting for 24hrs. I’m curious if I should be seeing...
  8. nadiabeginnerchickens

    Dead or alive?

    :confused: Hii is my egg dead or alive? I’m a beginner and I’m really not sure wether it is..and what day it’s on . I’ve counted and it’s on day 4 but it looks similar to day 3 or 5..
  9. J

    Bruising on duck egg day 28

    My duck egg piped last night while I was asleep. Everything seems good. But I have this odd colour near by where it is pipping. Could this be a sign of shrink wrap?!
  10. Happychickens33

    Incubation vs Broody Hen mystery

    I am new to incubation and I hope some of the wonderful knowledgeable chick enthusiasts can help me! We recently lost 17 chickens to what we think are coyotes. We have solved this problem hopefully. Since we lost so many I let my white/splash Ameraurcana become broody. She had been sitting...
  11. T


    can geese eggs be taken out of the incubator during hatching? I read that they need to be taken out but idk if it’s true.
  12. Yoshi3771

    Ducks eggs won’t pip!

    Im hatching call duckling, but they are not hatching. 1/3 of the ducklings hatched on day 28 and it is now day 32, I’m unsure if they are moving. I did candle them day 29 and I didn’t see anything wrong, I saw veins and the big air sac. I’m worried, should I assist? Is it possible they’re not...
  13. BuckeyeFoodie

    A argument for keeping the turner on until day 20.

    So I've been breeding seriously now for about three years, which I know is nothing compared to many people here. However one thing that never made sense to me about incubating eggs was the three-day "lockdown" period where the eggs just sit there "moving into position to hatch". Hens that are...
  14. Incubating eggs to hatch females

    Incubating eggs to hatch females

    I have a different method that may help you hatch more female hands then roosters. I'm not an expert but thankfully I'm not a beginner and this has worked for me. Keep the temperature inside the incubator between 99.2 Fahrenheit to 99.4 Fahrenheit try to keep it far away 101-4 because you are...
  15. M

    Incubator humidity dropped to 19

    I’m on day 3 of incubating my quails and I woke up today to check the temp and humidity and the temperature was good but the humidity had suddenly dropped to %19 I like to keep it from 40-50 and it had plenty of water last night is there going to be any major harm? It was probably for like 5-10...
  16. Keziah

    Where to put my incubator

    Hi everyone! 👋 I just bought an incubator last night from my local TSC, and I have no idea where to put it! My living room and kitchen is attached and there are lots of windows that light up my space. It is a very small house with no basement or spare bedroom, so I don't really have an area...
  17. macl

    What’s the best multi-fowl hatching incubator?

    I can’t decide which Incubator to get, I’ve heard the Nurture Right 360 is great, but I don’t know if it had a wide enough range for my specifications. I’ve heard it does well with chickens, quail and pheasant, but I aim to hatch much larger eggs, like turkeys, peacocks and geese. Does it still...
  18. L

    Baby died in incubator during lockdown

    One of our quail baby eggs pipped and the baby didn't make it but the incubator was in lockdown because our chicken eggs were due right at the same time. We couldn't see the dead baby, one of our chickens hatched another pipped and looks like it died. I don't know what to do. The dead quail baby...
  19. Yucky_ducky_kentucky

    Do freshly laid eggs develop faster than eggs laid a week or more ago?

    Do the embryos in freshly laid eggs develop faster than the embryos in eggs that were laid days or weeks before? I've noticed that an egg laid yesterday develops faster than eggs laid last week. Does anyone know if there's any science to this? Or am I just imagining things?
  20. P

    Please HELP!!!

    My coworker and I have been incubating an egg for about 13 days. On Monday, the incubator overheated - it couldn't have been any longer than 2 hours because she had turned it for the day and then went to turn it again and realized how hot it felt. On Sunday, the egg was moving around and very...
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