
  1. chicklex

    HELP; failure to thrive chick, legs extended in front of her.

    Hi everyone. This is Cheeks! She is an easter egger, 2 weeks old, vaccinated, on medicated starter. Growing well up until I found her very lethargic and dehydrated Monday (6/26) around 11am. She is unable to stand on her own, with her legs falling out from under her like this every time. She...
  2. Cheetah Chicks

    Sprained wings followed by sudden lethargy

    Hi She is Wafa, the faithful. Born after her incubation of 35 to 40 days ( 2 weeks kept in the hay and turning regularly) and then normal 21 days in the incubator. She is 2 months old, and few days back got her wing sprained. So, i used 8 styled bandaged on her wing for a day or two and then...
  3. B

    Sick chickens

    On Saturday morning, one of our silkies was extremely lethargic. She wad off the roost pole earlier than usual, was laying on the ground and had her head and wings down. We spoon fed her water and we were able to get her to eat some of her regular food and some banana. She seemed more alert as...
  4. Chicky_B

    Sudden behavior change

    Hi everyone. Im worried about my 6 and a half week old chick. I found her this morning acting differently then her usual outgoing self. She haven’t been laying down and prefers to stand even to sleep. She holds her tail down and head tucked closer to her chest with her feathers puffed/ ruffled...
  5. S

    Lethargic, clear poops, water balloon crop

    Hi I have a 2 year old hatchery chicken who’s acting a bit lethargic. She will slowly wander around the coop occasionally but is mostly standing around with her feathers puffed up and sleeping. At first I thought she might be egg bound because she had spent a lot of time in the nesting box and...
  6. C

    Worms? Tuberculosis? Other? What are these worm-like things? What’s going on here?!

    I’ve been trying for a while to get to the bottom of my hen’s health issue(s). I’m baffled. Symptoms in Buff Orpington hen (rescue, roughly 4-5 yrs old): Watery poop with white streaks or dark green mass (new symptom, past few days) Worms or worm-like matter in some of the watery poop (new...
  7. AMont17

    Lethargic Rooster - help!

    My rooster has been acting odd the past 2 days. My flock free ranges during the day and I noticed he will just stand still or crouch down without moving a whole lot. His comb is slightly purple. I offered him water with electrolytes and he did take a few sips. I just found him on the roosting...
  8. A

    1 week old silkie very lethargic

    Hi! I’m pretty new to chickens, I have five 10 week old milies and five 6 week old silkie and cochins. I just got 3 paint silkies from a local farm 2 weeks ago and I lost 1 last week over night for no apparent reason and so I got another from him so they weren’t lonely just the two of them and...
  9. Aprilxoxo

    skinny and hot turkey

    hi guys my turkey has been displaying signs of heat stress. dropped wings and panting and sleepiness over the last 2 weeks. It hasn't been overly hot and the other birds aren't acting the same. i gave her a fan and a nice shaded area to hang out in. but on a really cool day she was still doing...
  10. K

    Lethargic and can't walk

    Hello everyone. This is my first flock and I only received the birds this past Sunday 4/8. I am feeling rather hopeless and helpless and am not sure how to help her. 1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) She is a Light Brahma...
  11. T

    Help- 3 day hold chick, weak, eyes closed, clogged vent

    1) partridge cochin, about 3 days old, just mailed to us 2) smaller, weaker, would burrow under others but seemed disoriented, bumping into brooder wall, open closing beak, sort of lunging head forward for a sec, keeps eyes closed most of the time (more so today), vent was blocked but I cleaned...
  12. M

    Rooster- Lethargic, flopping comb turning purple, tail down

    My Rooster (approx 2 yrs old) seemed completely fine yesterday, but today I went in at feed time and he was laying in a nesting box. Which is very strange behaviour for him. I took him out, and immediately noticed his comb has flopped over and has a section turning purple. He has his eyes closed...
  13. Artchickenlover21

    Super lethargic, weird poop

    A few days ago I noticed my buff orpington was acting a little slower than usual. She has been getting worse and it looks like she's having weird bathroom troubles. She strains a lot and only a little comes out and it looks "snaky". I don't believe she is eggbound unless the egg might have...
  14. D

    Please help my duck is very sick

    My ducks has suddenly become very unwell overnight. I woke her up this morning and she has been lethargic, not eating, hardly drinking and throwing up. She’s keeping her eyes closed but doesn’t look to be sleeping. I’ve tried giving her all her favourite foods but nothing is working. I went to...
  15. K

    Help! Scaly leg??

    Hi there, My Silkie rooster (“Poof daddy”) has fallen ill again for some reason! The flock just recovered for coccidiosis. Poof daddy was hit hard and was in the chicken hospital (our house) for 4 days. He made a recovery. Two days ago I noticed him being lethargic and hunched over again...
  16. Nicci0110

    Lethargic Baby Red Sex Link/Golden Comet

    Hi everyone. I am new to chickens. I have successfully raised and placed my 10 week old Rhode Island Reds in their coop. These were hatched by a friend and given to me for free. They are healthy and thriving. After doing so, I bought 7 more various breeds from a local man in Hernando MS. They...
  17. R

    Lethargic 3 month old chick. Coccidiosis?

    Hi everyone. One of my almost three month old chicks has been acting very lethargic the last week or so. I gave all my chickens a 5 day antibiotic treatment which ended three days ago. It helped one of my other ickens who had a respiratory infection but this chick has not improved. The reason...
  18. K

    Six Day Old Chick- Lethargic, dying.

    Hi everyone- I know this is not the first post about a lethargic chick- but I can’t quite get an answer anywhere. My 6 day old barred rock chick (by characteristics I’ve sexed her as female) is likely not going to make it. This isn’t my first time raising chicks but I’ve changed just about...
  19. M

    2 Ducks died of tumors, one more showing signs

    Hi, so for the past couple of months, I have had very alarming concerns with my ducks and need help badly. I have 5 ducks right now, but 2 died in the past couple of months from what was identified as cancer. One had tumors in his testes and liver, while another had one between his wing. I have...
  20. S

    2 of 8 New Baby Chicks Struggling and Not Eating

    Hi All, I am a first time baby chick owner. Picked up 8 baby chicks from the local feed store yesterday morning. Have had them in the brooder for 24 hours. The Feed Store was supposed to get this shipment of chicks the day prior, but the shipping was delayed and late by a day. I'm assuming this...
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