
  1. Gencab

    Showing signs of pain or discomfort

    Chicken Breed: Sapphire Gem Source: Orsheln Farm and home. Unclear on hatchery. Age: 7 months Type: Hen Diet: kalmbach feeds henhouse reserve with kalmbach layer feed pellets mix to 50/50 Current Symptom: Still ridged stance, downward stare, tail and back up. Lethargic. Limp and discolored...
  2. Skywarita

    My chicken is acting lethargic, not sure why. Any ideas? :(

    Hello everyone :) I have two chickens, and one chicken has been acting a bit lethargic. She is around 5 years old, she is very strong built but has been acting off. A few days ago, we noticed she was attacked by some animal. Her comb was scratched bloody, her coop had blood in the wall and she...
  3. C

    Sick hen, don’t know what’s wrong please help!

    This is Betty. For the past week she’s been lethargic, sitting in the same spot barely moving, her eyes were swollen shut and now the slightly open and cloudy/glossy. Won’t eat or drink on her own, I have to give her water through a dropper. She poops but it’s super liquidy. She recently started...
  4. A

    Quail can’t peck properly and seems sick.

    Hello so I had gotten 4 quail from someone and I took them home and they seemed healthy but a bit scared of me, now 4-5 weeks later I have them they are happy and trust me they all seem good except for one quail in the past this quail has not pecked straight or accurately (have tried giving it...
  5. S

    My hen is not eating just drinking

    It's been about 30hrs since I noticed my hen is not eating, only drinking more water than usual. She is lethargic, not dust bathing but she is still moving around just not much. She falls asleep during the day and she has a yellow runny poo with green through it but no smell. We have red mites...
  6. AggieKat

    Lethargic, puffed up hen in molt

    Hey everyone, My chooks are going through their molt a little later than usual fall because Texas weather is crazy. Sirius started her molt and now full into it, is acting sick. It started this last weekend with fully watery poop that had bright green spots in it. I changed all their food...
  7. BitterSweetCitrus

    Help Us Gender Cutie the Mutt Chicken

    Leaving my local park I had passed by a younger chicken of unknown breed and gender for a bit. After a while I noticed how it didn’t mind if I got too close and I caught it and brought it home to quarantine. My brother has named them Cutie. Cutie has no physical issues or abnormalities but is...
  8. chickmamat

    Help! 6 mo Brahma, sudden lethargy won’t eat

    Roughly 6 mo Brahma pullet. I think she is laying based on age but haven’t witnessed it. Normally a big eater (her name is Chonk). I noticed her standing alone yesterday, not eating and her face appeared pale. I separated her immediately. She will not eat or drink. Tried blueberries...
  9. S

    Young hen lethargic, eliminating clear fluid, not eating

    1) What type of bird , age and weight Lavender Ameraucana 6 months, ~3 lbs 2) What is the behavior, exactly. Yesterday fine, ate worms out of garden Tends to be spunky, social, active. I call her a puppy chicken. This morning she became lethargic and just sits with feathers puffed up. Not...
  10. D

    Lethargic Guinea Fowl

    Animal did not seem sick this morning. Came home and is not eating, drinking, and does not present its normal fear of being picked up. Brought it in for the time being. I am being told by wife that separating a chicken from the flock is not a good thing. If it is dying, not sure what more...
  11. H

    Chicken being lethargic, help?

    For most of this week, my hen has been acting a bit unusual. My girl Max is an almost 6 year-old indoor Wellsummer hen. She lives indoors due to her previous flock abusing her to the point of borderline starvation. Normally, Max is energetic, obnoxious, talkative, curious, and a decent eater. I...
  12. coltgrizzz

    Hen not getting any better

    I posted on here a few days ago about one of my hens that had stopped eating/drinking, laying, was lethargic, and was having watery yellow stool. This was a few days ago, she is still the same today. I was told to give dewormer and corid which i have done for three days now with no improvement...
  13. coltgrizzz

    Chicken has been sick for 3 days now, still no idea what’s wrong

    My bird has been acting lethargic for about 3 days now, prior she was just fine. Vent is clean, she’s not pale, but she refuses to move much (preferring to sleep in place), hasn’t been eating or drinking, and hasnt been laying eggs. She was a rescue but we believe she is fairly young. Any...
  14. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Rooster vaguely ill but can't figure out why!

    I recently posted about my 2.5 y/o bantam rooster, who had de-spurred himself. That all has healed up well but something more is off about him and I can't figure out what. A few days before that incident I noticed him slowing down--ex. being slower to leave the run when I let everyone out to...
  15. J

    Help! I think my chickens sick!!!

  16. L

    Help!!! Hen acting strange and laying slab sided eggs

    First time posting here, but desperate to get information and answers. Our beloved Redstar, Goldie, who is a champion layer, has been exhibiting very strange behaviors recently. One minute she's her usual, active self - very food motivated and always running/scratching. She's eating and...
  17. L

    Hen acting weird and laying slab sided eggs

    First time posting here, but desperate to get information and answers. Our beloved Redstar, Goldie, who is a champion layer, has been exhibiting very strange behaviors recently. One minute she's her usual, active self - very food motivated and always running/scratching. She's eating and...
  18. Aprilxoxo

    Some insight in single chicks death

    About a week ago i hatch out some chicks. The last 2 to be born worried me, last couldnt stand and walk and was taken buy someone who is going to try to rehabilitate since it didnt seem to be injury. And the 2nd last bled a bit when she came out of shell. Her navel scabbed over and she was...
  19. E

    Help! Is this coryza or an infection due to injury?

    I found her lethargic 8/17 with her eye closes and swollen, head cocked to the side and separated from the flock. I put her in quarantine and began treating with saline solution. Little to no improvement. Began treating with terramycin directly in eye + saline why removing pus 2x daily. She...
  20. S


    My sweet Ophelia was completely normal yesterday. This morning when I came into the chicken yard I noticed she had one eye that was swollen shut and the entire side of her face was very puffy. The other side also looks redder and more swollen than usual. She is eating and moving around just fine...
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