mites on chickens

  1. Y

    Mites in new store bought pine shavings?

    I used to use straw in my bedding. But 3 days ago I switched to pine shavings from tractor supply and another local feed store. Now my 5 week old chicks are constant scratching since changing that bedding. Has anyone ever had mites or lice in a new bale of pine shavings bag?! They're in my...
  2. bighandchicken

    Mites on one chicken

    Out of 30 chickens, 1 hen has a bad case of mites. I found her collapsed in the run but still alive. I brought her in our house and within a few hours, realized she was COVERED in mites. She has been quarantined and has been sprayed with Pen and Poultry (Permethrin) she has also been bathed in...
  3. youngbirdmom

    How often should I use the Poultry Dust

    I have a quarantined chicken who has been high stepping and has some bald patches. I gave her a dust bath using poultry dust for mites today but it’s my first time using it. In the Spring and Summer, how often should I be powdering the chickens down? How often do I powder the quarantined hen...
  4. J

    First time having mites and I have a hen sitting on eggs

    Hello All, This is my third year keeping chickens. I have a broody hen sitting on eggs, I believe the eggs are somewhere around day 15. I went to check on the eggs and afterwards was covered in tiny bugs. I checked on mama, she is a white chicken, and she has these bugs all over her...
  5. C

    Chickens have head mites

    Found mites on two of my chickens (both Sussex breeds) ear lobes and waddles. How would I go about curing it? If I have to buy a product to clean it what should I buy?
  6. M

    Molting, mites, bullying???

    Hi all, In February, I noted by Dark Braham with missing feathers above her tail. Not only was she missing feathers but she was full blown, bloody and raw. Separated her and then found my Wyandotte with the same. Figured we had mites and purchased Elector PSP and did the initial treatment and...
  7. annabelle71

    Blackish spots. Are these mites or something to be concerned about.

  8. JennaT

    Mites - The Battle of 2021

    For the first time in my 20 years of owning free-range chooks, we have Northern Fowl mites. I have no idea where they came from as we live on an isolated rural farm but suspect it's from a recent wood duck invasion... Fortunately, only one hen was infested (she was broody so an easy mite...
  9. S

    chicken with big white bubbles on feet

    My four year old Barred Rock hen has really cracked looking feet, with two or three white masses on them. I keep her coop clean, she has access to fresh food, oyster shells, and water. What are these, and how do I help her get rid of them/prevent them for the future? Thank you!!
  10. E

    Sevin Dust and Chicken Mites

    Hello! I have an infestation of mites and I wasn’t sure if I can use Sevin dust on them and the eggs still remain edible is the breath or ingest it? I appreciate any advice! Thank you
  11. MysteryChicken

    Looking For A list Of Best Mite Treatments For Chickens.

    I just discovered my birds have little yellow, & white mites on their feathers. What are some mite treatments that work best?
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